Chapter 18 Gathering The Team

  A farm in Burbank.

  Hardy's car was parked outside, and a farmer came out to check, looking from Hardy to Richard.

  "Who are you looking for?"

  "We are Henry's friends and have contacted him on the phone before." Hardy said.

  The farmer nodded and said, "I'll take you over to find him."

  The three of them walked into the cattle pen. Henry, wearing jeans and rain boots, was struggling to fork cow dung. Hearing the shouts, he turned around to see Hardy and Richard, and he was happy. Throw away the fork.

  "Hardy, Richard."

  Henry ran over and hugged Hardy tightly, and then hugged Richard.

  "It's great to see you all."

  Hardy smiled and said, "How about it? Come with me now."


  Henry stood at attention.

  "Report to Captain Hardy that Henry is back on the team!"

  Henry greeted his boss, packed up his salute, threw his backpack into the car, and rushed into the car, waving goodbye to the rancher.

  "Old Logan, I'm going to Los Angeles to make a living."

  The rancher waved his hand to Henry "Then I wish you success" than he muttered to himself it's great to be young.

  On the way, Hardy asked Henry, "Do you know where the madman is? I didn't manage to get in touch with him on the phone"

  Henry smiled helplessly and said, "Madman is being held in prison now."

  Madman's real name is Matthew Settle. Because that guy fights without care for his life and is completely crazy, his comrades named him madman.

  Hardy was stunned. "What's happened?"

  "He worked as a transport driver after he came back. We met several times. He had a conflict with another truck driver in a restaurant two months ago. You know how madman fight so he ended up beating the other party until he was disfigured, so he was locked up."

  "He could have been released on bail, but he had no money and could only stay in jail. He also had no money to pay compensation. If he doesn't pay he probably going to stay there for one or two years."

  "How much bail is required . ?" Hardy asked.

  "Two thousand U.S. dollars."

  Two thousand U.S. dollars is equivalent to 10 months' salary for an ordinary person. It is definitely not a small amount of money for ordinary people.

  Moreover, Americans generally do not have the habit of saving, to be honest in this era most of them can barley meet there needs so they generally have no money to save, so with this amount of money, Matthew couldn't get it out at all and could only stay in jail.

"Which prison?"

"San Marinos Prison."

  Hardy turned the steering wheel and drove towards San Marinos Prison. A few hours later, the three of them met Matthew in the visiting room.

  Matthew was very surprised to see the three of them. "Boss Hardy, Henry, and Richard, how come you are together, and why do you think of coming to see me again?"

  Hardy handed the guard $10, and the guard turned his head.

  Hardy threw a cigarette at Matthew, and Matthew immediately lit it and took two strong puffs, blowing out the smoke as if he were enjoying it.

  "How are you living there? Have you been bullied?" Hardy asked with a smile.

  Matthew laughed and said with some pride: "When I first came here, there were indeed a few guys who wanted to bully me as a newcomer, but I beat them all down. After that, no one dared to mess with me. Now that I'm here, I eat well, sleep well, and have a group of younger brothers, so I live a very comfortable life."

  Hardy nodded with a smile "Originally, I wanted to bail you out, but it seems I don't have to now."

  Matthew's expression changed upon hearing this, and he grabbed Hardy's hand and said urgently, "Boss, do you have the money to bail me out? Then get me out quickly."

  Aren't you very comfortable here?" Henry said it with a smile.

  "It's not as comfortable as outside." Matthew said.

  The three of them came out of the prison. Hardy took out two thousand dollars from his body and handed it to Henry. "You are responsible for bailing Matthew, and I have to find someone."

  "Don't worry, boss, we will definitely get the madman out in three days."

  Matthew case is very simple and not a big one. If you have money, it will be easy to bail him out.

  "Who should we go to next?" Richard asked.

  "Cannonballs" The cannonballs Hardy was talking about were also from their previous company. His full name was Neil McDonald.

  He was the best at using all kinds of mines. He was very good at using detonators, grenades, landmines, and time bombs. He was a demolition expert, so everyone named him Cannonball.

  Finding Neil's home according to the address, the two knocked on the door. Neil opened the door and was surprised to see Hardy and Richard hugging the two former brothers.

  Walking into the house, the furnishings in the room are very old.

  A woman came out. She looked young and not ugly, but her face was a little pale.

  "This is my wife, Jenny." Neil introduced.

  Jenny said hello to Hardy and Richard, "Neil, your friend is here; I'm going to make coffee. Cough, cough, cough." After saying just one sentence, she coughed hard.

  "No, you can go to bed and rest. I can do it myself." Neil quickly helped his wife.

  Not long after, Neil came out with two cups of coffee and placed them in front of Hardy and Richard. Hardy asked, "What disease does your wife have?"

  "Tuberculosis, a lung disease."

  Hardy was surprised. Tuberculosis is now a serious and life threatening disease.

  "Is there no treatment?"

  Neil lowered his head and said, "The doctor said that it needs to be treated with a drug called penicillin, but that drug is very expensive. I can't afford it."

  Penicillin in 1942 It has only been officially put into production. Because of its miraculous curative effect, penicillin is now more expensive than gold, and it is indeed not affordable for ordinary people.

  Even in later generations, there are many medicines that cost tens of thousands of dollars per shot, which can bring down a family.

  Hardy thought for a moment and said, "Neal, you know why I'm here."

  "Of course, Boss Hardy, I really want to join you, but I have to take care of Jenny, so I'm afraid I can't help you." Neil whispered. road.

  "But it's not an option to delay the condition without getting treatment, right?" Hardy said.

  "There's nothing I can do." Neil was very upset and angry that he was incapable.

  Hardy thought for a while and said, "Neal, I have an idea. Take Jenny to Los Angeles and find a hospital for her to receive formal treatment. How about we find a way to get that money together."

  Neil lowered his head and thought about it, thinking that this was the best way to save Jenny he immediately made up his mind, "Okay, lets go to Los Angeles."

  He immediately packed his things and drove to Los Angeles that day.

  Hardy sent Jenny directly to the Murphy Clinic. After seeing it, Dr. Murphy said that Jenny's condition was not the most serious yet.

  There was a high chance that Jenny could be cured with penicillin, but the cost was very high, so they needed to be mentally prepared in advance.

  "We will find a way to deal with the money and ask Dr. Murphy to do his best to treat her," Hardy said.

  Dr. Murphy left, and a nurse came over not long after and said, "Mr. Hardy, please pay a $1,000 treatment deposit first."

  To be honest, Hardy doesn't have any money now.

  The money he got from killing Cook, as well as the money he earned from delivering alcohol this month, totaled only more than two thousand dollars. Previously, he had spent $2,000 to bail out crazy Matthew, but now he only had more than three hundred dollars left in his pocket.

  Hardy thought for a while, told Neil to leave, and came back about an hour later to hand over the deposit for Neil's wife's treatment.

  Neil discovered something "Hardy, where is your gold watch?"

  Hardy smiled. "The watch is just a decoration. Find a place to store it temporarily. Okay, now you don't have to worry about the cost of medicine."

  Neil was moved, but he gritted his teeth and said nothing, he took it to heart.

  After settling down with his wife, Neil felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from his heart. He looked at Hardy and said, "Boss Hardy, what are your instructions next?"

  Hardy smiled softly and patted Neil's shoulder. "Don't worry, Wait for Henry and Madman to come over in a day or two. I will take you and Richard to see someone who is also in this hospital.."


  When the three of them opened the door, they found Bill leaning against him. At the bedside, a beautiful nurse was feeding him fruit. This bastard was living a really nourishing life.

  When Bill saw the person coming, he immediately cheered.

  "Richard, Cannonball, why are you here?"

  The three of them sat down and talked about old times. Hardy said, "I found Richard and Cannonball. Henry and Matthew will be here in three days. I'm going to find another two friends. I met them when I was injured. One is named Leo, and the other is named Kerry. They are also Marines, but they were not in the same company as us. They live near Los Angeles. I have called them tomorrow. They will come."

  "When we gather together, we no longer have to worry about sneak attacks from those Irish bastards."

  Bill immediately flattered Hardy.

  "As expected of Boss Hardy, he has found so many brothers in such a short time. When we brothers reunite, we will defeat those guys."

  Hardy looked at Bill.

  "Get well soon. Don't wait until we finish all the work before you are discharged from the hospital."

  Bill chuckled. "I must get well as soon as possible and fight side by side with you brothers."