Chapter 19 Choosing Guns

  Long distance bus station.

  The two young men got out of the car and saw Hardy standing next to the car. The scene was exactly the same as when Bill picked up Hardy.

  "Leo, Kerry."


  The three hugged each other, Hardy met Leo and Kerry on the injured transport ship. When Hardy recovered from his injury quickly, he helped Catherine take care of the injured on the ship, which made him meet many people, including Leo and Kerry.

  Both of them were elites in the army before, which can be felt from their nicknames. Leo is nicknamed Wild Wolf and has very strong fighting abilities.

  Kerry, nicknamed Tank, is over 1.9 meters tall and very strong, He is a machine-gunner.

  Hardy once changed their dressings and took care of both of them.

  Their beds were very close to each other, and they chatted often. Later, they became close friends. When Hardy left, he left his contact information with them.

  When looking for people, Hardy naturally thought of these two guys and called to contact them. they quickly agreed to come over and mix with him.

  "Get in the car; I'll take you guys to meet some friends." Hardy said it with a smile.

  The car soon arrived at the Bunny Nightclub.

  Leo and Kerry met Sean and Ryder, as well as Richard and Neil. "We still have a few brothers; Henry and Matthew will be here in two days, Bill is still in the hospital. Now there are already 10 of us."

  Everyone sat down to drink and chat. talking about their previous situations.

  After Leo was discharged from the army, he entered a car repair shop, Kerry worked in a shoe shop and made shoes, and the others were similar, Richard washed dishes, Neil worked in a factory, Henry raised cattle, and Matthew was a truck driver.

  Life is unsatisfactory and people want more than just surviving, Everyone chatted and drank a lot. As for where they will live in the future, they will stay at Bill's house temporarily and then find a suitable place.

  At this moment, the nightclub security captain came over and said to Hardy cautiously, "Hardy, I have something to tell you."

  "What is it?" Hardy looked at the security captain in surprise.

  "Do you plan to continue to detain the Russians in the cellar?" the security captain asked.

  Hardy was stunned. Damn During this period, he was busy recruiting his subordinates and went out to find Richard and Henry. He had forgotten about those Russians.

  Calculating the time, they have been detained for a week.

  "Did you starve them?" Hardy asked.


  "You ordered me to starve them for three days, so I starved them for three days. Then you never came, and I didn't dare to release them, so I continued to detain them. Those guys were howling with hunger. I was afraid that they would die out of hunger. Since they were starving, I gave them some food."

  He paused for a bit than continued "It's just bread and water. Each person only has three slices of bread and a pot of water every day. If it's not enough, I won't give them more." Hardixin felt that all those Russians were tall and strong, especially Big Ivan, who was two meters tall, and three pieces of bread were not enough for him at all, he felt that the guy will die of hunger soon if Hardy doesn't release him.

  "Well, it's good that they didn't starve to death." Hardy was thinking about how to deal with those Russians.

  Get rid of them, but their crimes were not serious enough; they were just causing trouble in the nightclub. Let them go? What if they hold a grudge and gives rise to other troubles? Hardy looked at Richard and the others and had some thoughts in his mind.

  It was time for him to employ people, and he wanted to see if he could subdue those guys. "Brothers, come with me to handle some things." Richard, Neil, Sean, Leo, and others stood up immediately.

  Everyone came to the cellar room, and Hardy asked someone to open the cellar door. When the door panel was opened, Hardy smelled a stench. Imagine that six big men eat, drink, and eat in the cellar. How can it smell good? These days are like suffering in hell for Big Ivan and the others. It's not like they've never been to prison, but this place is scarier than prison.

  The most feared thing in the world is hunger. On the first day, they cursed angrily; on the second day, they begged; and on the third day, they were so hungry that they had no strength left and could only lie on the ground panting.

  Fortunately, on the fourth day, the iron door finally opened a crack, and a few pieces of bread and two pots of water were dropped. In their eyes, the bread slices were as thin as paper, but for them, this was as happy as entering heaven.

  They suffered like this for seven days. When the iron door opened and people came down to lift them up, Big Ivan and the other Russian did not even have the strength to stand up. When Big Ivan saw Hardy, he cried.

  "Mr. Hardy, please let us go." At this moment, Big Ivan did not have the stubbornness of a Slavic man, and he begged.

  Hardy looked at these guys and asked, "I am short of manpower now, are you willing to do somethings for me?"

  Big Ivan looked at Hardy in surprise, was he trying to recruit them?

  Big Ivan is not stupid, and he made a decision immediately: "We are willing to be Boss Hardy's subordinates. We will do whatever you say."

  Hardy looked at Big Ivan with deep eyes and said nothing.

  Big Ivan realized something.

  He immediately said loudly, "I swear in the name of the God that I am willing to follow Mr. Hardy to do things."

  When the others saw that the boss, Ivan, had surrendered, they also expressed their willingness to follow Hardy in doing things and swore in the name of God.

  They are all Orthodox Christians, and swearing in the name of God can be said to be the heaviest oath, and Hardy chose to believe them.

  "Okay, now I'll take you back, take a shower, eat and change clothes, and come back to see me tomorrow." Hardy said.

  Great Ivan and others were granted amnesty.

  Sean and the others drove them back to their residence.

  As soon as they returned to their residence, regardless of the stench, they quickly asked the woman to prepare food and started eating like crazy.

  Bread and jam are both delicious, Barbecue is a gift from God, the soup they usually despise and just eat it to fill their stomach made some of them shed tears after eating it.

  Finally after eating enough, The Russians looked at their boss, Ivan. "Brother, are we really going to join the Austrian gang and be that Hardy's subordinate?"

  Big Ivan gritted his teeth. "We have been working for several years, but we haven't gained any reputation. I think that Hardy is a smart and ruthless person. Following him may lead to greater development, and we have already sworn in the name of God, haven't we?"

  The next day, Big Ivan took his five younger brothers to find Hardy. From then on, he worked with Hardy.

  Hardy gained another group of subordinates, but Hardy did not keep them by his side. Instead, he asked them to go back and continue their previous business. he will call them anytime if anything happens.

  Matthew is finally released from prison, money can solve many things.

  Matthew's case was not a big one, and he could pay for bail. Before, it was just a matter of money. It took three days to complete the case, and Matthew and Henry came to Los Angeles.

  In just one week, Hardy built a team of his own.

  Now that we have the manpower, he still need to find the right tools.

  He had bought some guns before and seized several sub machine guns, but those were far from enough. Everyone preferred a different weapons. Hardy led a group of men to Old Mike's gun shop.

  "Old Mike, I'm going to buy a batch of arms, but there is one thing that needs to be discussed." Hardy said this to Old Mike.

  "What's the matter?"

  "I have no money now, can I get it on credit?"

  Old Mike blinked his dim eyes and thought for a moment, "Yes, but 30% interest will be added."


  Hardy waved to all his subordinates, "Brothers, you can pick any gun in the store and use whatever you like."


  Everyone burst into cheers and rushed into the gun library.

  When they came out again, everyone was holding a bunch of guns in their hands. Pistols, long guns, and shotguns were almost standard equipment.

  Kerry was a machine gunner, and he also had an extra machine gun in his hand. The famous German MG34 general-purpose machine gun has absolutely heavy firepower.

  Neil was different. In addition to a pistol and a long gun, he also had a rucksack beside him.

  "What's in this?" Hardy asked.

  Neil smiled and opened the canvas bag, and Hardy was surprised. Big firecrackers, grenades, and even two mines.

  With these things, Neil can make all kinds of bombs.

  Neil definitely lived up to his nickname Cannonball.