Chapter 66 Use Of Temptations And Force To Quell Resistance.

  Bill doubted whether the slot machines could make money.

  However, Hardy was absolutely confident that this was a profitable deal.

  "Could you have someone tally up how many places on our turf can accommodate slot machines and a punching machines?"

  "Nightclubs, bars, restaurants, hotel lobbies, barber shops, small shops, grocery stores anywhere with people lingering."

  Bill immediately agreed.

  Two days later, the numbers came in. There were over 380 establishments on the Spanish gang's turf suitable for slot machines and punching machines.

  "I asked those owners, and they are willing to have the machines in their shops." No protection fees required, and with profits to be made, the owners were naturally happy.

  "Now the biggest concern is whether we can make money and if these machines might get checked by the police," Bill said.