Chapter 67 Starting To Wash White

  "Cooperation, how should we cooperate?" Director Ed looked at Bill and asked.

  "It's simple. I'm asking Director Ed to help take care of our business, just like before. Besides our traditional business, we've recently started a small venture. We've placed some game machines in bars and convenience stores," Bill explained.

  "I've heard reports from my subordinates. There have been quite a few slot machines and punching machines from the Spanish gang. Was that your doing?"

  "Indeed, it's just a modest little business."

  "Director Ed, if you need to divert attention, you can occasionally let the police seize a few machines to silence the journalists, but without affecting our business."

  "Director Ed takes care of us, and naturally, we won't be stingy," Bill said, slipping a bundle of money back into Ed's arms.

  Seizing the leverage, tempted by money, Ed couldn't refuse.