Chapter 70 David Wash

  Los Angeles is over a thousand kilometers from New Mexico. Hardy flew with Henry and Matthew to Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico.

  From there, it was another hundred kilometers to the filming base. Hardy had Henry bought a car to drive to the film set.

  After watching Ava, Hardy planned to drive back to Los Angeles. With two drivers, they could cover the thousand kilometer journey in a day.

  As they drove out of the city, the roadside was barren wilderness, with distant mountain ranges. New Mexico has a dry, hot climate, so there was little vegetation, making both the mountains and the land look bare and unappealing.

  Occasionally passing through a village of square adobe houses with long wooden poles sticking out from their rooftops, they encountered few vehicles on the road, only spotting two mule carts, giving off a strong Mexican countryside vibe.

  They finally reached the filming base.