Chapter 71 Torturing A Listed Company

  "Are we filming today, or do you have time to show me around?" Hardy asked Ava.

  Ava knew what he had on his mind and smiled mischievously.

  "To leave the set, we'd need to ask the director for permission. I wonder if he'd let us go," Ava playfully frowned.

  "Asking the director for leave is indeed a big issue. How about we elope instead?" Hardy whispered.

  "Elope?" Ava's eyes lit up.

  "Yes, elope."

  The two sneaked out of the room, cautiously approached the sedan, quietly slid inside, and drove off slowly.

  Matthew glanced at Henry. "The boss has left. Should we follow?"

  Henry chuckled, lying comfortably in the shade. "The boss is off to meet his lover. Are you an idiot?"

  "What if there's danger?"

  "We may not be able to kill the boss even if we attack him together, so don't worry. By the way, I saw the crew filming a horse battle scene. Why don't we get two horses to follow him."