Chapter 81 Personality Differences

  "Mr. Hardy, do you think my performance was okay?" Taylor asked, slightly out of breath.

  "Your ballet was beautiful," Hardy replied honestly.

  The girl's big eyes darted around as she gathered her courage to ask tentatively, "My mom said there's a role in Mr. Hardy's movie that I might fit. Is it the story I talked to you about before?"

  "You mean you want to play Matilda, the 14 year old girl?" Hardy clarified.

  "Yes, I really want to." Taylor nodded eagerly.

  From the moment Taylor heard Hardy talk about the story, she found it intriguing. The role of the girl was dynamic and challenging, something she believed she could excel in if given the chance.

  But Hardy shook his head now, leaving Taylor puzzled, thinking he had rejected her.

  "What is it about me that doesn't fit?" she asked tentatively. "I have many talents I can show. Maybe I can perform a scene for you."