Chapter 82 Shooting range

  As Hardy and Taylor went out, Sara also prepared to follow.

  Hardy turned to look at the woman and said, "Ms. Sara, I prefer to train Taylor alone. If you come along, the effectiveness will be greatly reduced."

  Sara was taken aback for a moment.

  Since childhood, she had been strict with her daughter, imposing various restrictions. Sometimes, due to her strictness, Taylor felt very confined and would even get angry with her mother.

  But seeing Hardy's determined gaze, If she didn't agree, he might really give up training Taylor.

  In order to secure the leading role, Sara decided to let her daughter go out alone with Hardy.

  Taylor sat in Hardy's car.

  This was her first time leaving her mother.

  It felt amazing.

  Even when she went out to shoot movies before, her mother would always be by her side. Now, without her mother's watchful eye, Taylor felt a genuine sense of freedom from within.