Chapter 101 A Heroic Intervention

  "Shopkeeper, how much are these silver earrings?" the girl asked.

  The shopkeeper paused from packing and looked at it. "That's $35."

  He took it out to show the girl.

  The silver earrings were pure white and smooth all over. The girl examined them carefully for a long time.

  "Could you do $30?" the girl asked.

  The shopkeeper looked at the girl.

  "Alright, it's a deal."

  The girl paid for the earrings, and the shopkeeper took out a long jewelry box and handed it to her. She thanked the shopkeeper, put the earrings into the box, and placed them in her bag. Then she called her companion, Irina, and left the antique shop.

  Hardy watched the girl's figure disappear through the window of the art shop before retracting his gaze.

  Although she didn't get the paintings she liked, the girl was happy to have bought the earrings, making the trip worthwhile.