Chapter 102 Confused Bill

  The three got into the car, with the two girls sitting in the back. Hardy merged into traffic, glancing at the girls through the rear view mirror. "Are you students at USC?" he asked.

  "Yes, we're juniors."

  "What are your majors?"

  "I'm majoring in journalism. My future goal is to be a radio host. My friend studies architecture as well as painting and sculpture," Irina said.

  Hardy glanced at Elena through the rear view mirror. "Do you also like paintings?" Are you British?"

  This time, Irina couldn't answer.

  Elena nodded. "Yes, I'm of British descent. I not only like paintings but also other ancient relics, antiques, and sculptures. I consider them all artworks."

  "Why did Mr. Hardy buy paintings? Is it because you like it or simply for investment?"

  "I like it. Like you, I also like artwork, but I don't understand much about others, so I can only buy paintings that I have some understanding of." Hardy said.