Chapter 114 A Gold Mine In Wall Street

  Andy thought it over and found his boss's suggestion quite good. Although the boss's affairs weren't too numerous at the moment, his business was diverse, and the volume of financial transactions would only increase in the future. Having an accounting firm would indeed make things much easier.

  Thus, Andy established an accounting firm. Hardy funded it and became the major shareholder, while Andy held a 20% stake. They named it "Andy Accounting Firm."

  As for the staff, they would be recruited gradually.

  By October, Little Elizabeth Taylor had gone to New York to shoot a film. The movie "The Wild Bunch" was nearing completion. The mineral water company was under vigorous construction, and the auction company had already started operations.

  Hardy drove to the auction company.

  Upon spotting the arrival of the big boss, the receptionist promptly welcomed him with a smile "Good afternoon, Mr. Hardy."

  "Is Elena here?"