Chapter 115 Wash Mining Famous Once Again.

  Due to technical limitations, regulatory bodies lacked effective supervision measures, and the relevant laws were not perfect. As long as the operations weren't too blatant, there was no way to verify them.

  In fact, even into the 1970s and 1980s, the situation in America remained the same. Even in modern times, such operations are not uncommon.

  Even in the new century, with transactions handled by supercomputers, data retention, comprehensive laws and regulations, and even phone monitoring, some people still play the game of stock manipulation.

  Hardy's Wash Mining was exactly this kind of small, worthless stock, and since he was the absolute majority shareholder, it was even easier to manipulate.

  "Andy, I'll leave this matter to you. Is the $200,000 in the account enough?" Hardy said with a smile.

  "Hmm, it should be enough."