Chapter 156 The Golden Globes

  Victor's talk of French art treasures left Hardy feeling rather pessimistic, almost dismissive. He knew history well: Germany had indeed plundered countless artworks from various countries, reportedly over ten million pieces. Trains were filled with looted treasures, many of which were never recovered.

  Even into the 21st century, Nazi treasures continued to be discovered.

  Victor's story might be true, but the clues were sparse. Finding a man named Hill seemed like searching for a needle in a haystack, let alone uncovering the hidden treasures in France. Hardy didn't think it was worth the effort.

  "Henry, take him out," Hardy said.

  Victor knew they didn't believe him and feared he was about to be executed. Terrified, he shouted, "Sir, please, sir, spare me! Miss Elena, please!"

  Facing imminent death, Victor pleaded desperately.

  Henry and two others grabbed Victor's arms, dragging him out. At that moment, Elena spoke up: