Chapter 157 DeBrand Hill

  Hardy took the call, Henry excitedly said, "Boss, I have good news. We've found DeBrand Hill and learned the location of the Nazi treasures."

  Hardy arrived at the security company, and Henry excitedly recounted the events to him.

  Gray had taken Victor to the Gironde department. Debrand Hill was originally the curator of a small town museum in Saint Palais, and his family was also from Saint Palais. Thus, the group arrived there.

  A direct investigation would surely arouse suspicion, so they forged a few documents, claiming to be from an investigation committee, and asked people for information, instructing them to keep everything confidential and not to mention to anyone that they were being questioned.

  In two days, they gathered a lot of information.

  Debrand Hill was indeed infamous locally, especially for helping the Germans collect art, which made everyone despise him. When Victor inquired, many people cursed Hill vehemently.