Chapter 158 An Interrogation

  Hill hesitated. Saying too much would hurt, but too little would mean death. Finally, he gritted his teeth. "I'll pay $50,000."

  The masked man shook his head and laughed coldly. "Not enough, far from enough. We've investigated you. You bought a winery for $130,000 with money from selling jewelry. You must have brought a lot of good stuff from France. Hand it over if you want to live."

  Hill's heart pounded. He knew these people had great resources and wouldn't let him go easily. To stay alive, he had to give up his wealth.

  "I have a safe deposit box at Wells Fargo in San Francisco, with jewelry inside. The key is in my office drawer at the winery. You can take me there to get the key," Hill said.

  "Haha, no need. We'll get the key ourselves. Just tell us the code," the masked man said calmly.

  Hill closed his eyes in pain. "The code is XXXXXX."