Chapter 172 Planning To Establish An Airline

  New York was the real bustling world compared to Sicily, which was a backwater village by comparison. Staying in Sicily, Sonny would feel suffocated.

  Moreover, the forces he built up before his departure might gradually dissipate.

  "Father, I..."

  The old Godfather looked at Sonny, his gaze unwavering, "Sonny, you are my son. I don't want anything to happen to you, so you must go back."

  Sonny felt his father's resolve and dared not disobey, lowering his head and saying, "Yes, Father, I will return to Sicily."

  The old Godfather nodded, "Alright, I'm a bit tired now. You all can leave."

  Everyone started to leave.

  Suddenly, the old Godfather called out to Michael, "Michael, you stay. I have a few questions for you."

  Everyone else left, and the ward was left with only the old Godfather and Michael.

  The old Godfather looked kindly at his youngest son, asking, "Michael, are you hiding something from me?"