Chapter 173 Calculating The Barzini Family

  Virginia is also on the East Coast, and New York is only about 600 kilometers from Virginia. This time, Hardy brought only Henry with him and met with Brigadier General Darrell Williams in his apartment.

  Before Hardy arrived, General Williams had someone look into Hardy's background, and he was quite surprised by what he found.

  Hardy retired from the Marines in 1945, and by this year, he already owned several listed companies, including the famous HD Security, HD Films, and Playboy magazines.

  Although General Williams is in his fifties, this doesn't prevent him from being a fan of Playboy magazine.

  "Were you in the Marines?" The general extended his hand to shake Hardy's.

  "Yes, General," Hardy replied.

  "Being young is great, especially achieving such success at your age. It's very impressive."

  "I owe my growth to the support of veterans like you, General," Hardy said humbly.