I was pacing in my room with clenched fists. Today was the worst day of my life. For the past six months, my mind spun the dream of meeting her again. But none of those dreams prepared me for today.
She fucking ruined my sweetheart!
The door of my room was opened, and Christine's head peeked inside.
"I heard it for the sixty-two times Boss! I get it. I have already arranged its repair and it will be back in a couple of days and even if you don't like it, you can always buy another one."
Was I that loud with my thoughts?
I ran my hand angrily through my brown hair. I picked up my phone and pushed open the door further. Walking past her, I grumbled. "I am going out."
Christine ran to obstruct my way with a pale face.
I pursed my lips, exhaling a sharp breath. "I am not driving, Christine."
Her shoulders visibly relaxed, and she stepped away with an exasperated sigh.
"Do you want me to accompany you?"
"No need. I am not interested in killing more of my brain cells. Don't lock the door. If you make me stand outside for the rest of the night, I will fucking kill you!"
"Gotcha! Take care and don't cross Miss Bell's path." Christine's yell must have woken the surroundings if only the place where we stayed was not isolated with no neighbours.
Coming out of the gate of the house, I paused. Looking to my left and right, I considered which way to take. I was not familiar with the town, and as Christine said, I was in no mood of crossing that black cat's path.
That vicious, heartless, immoral woman was a red sign that I had promised to avoid no matter how beautiful she looked or how she oozed confidence or how her lips felt so perfect against mine or how that kiss-
"Devon! Get a grip man!" I muttered before letting my legs carry me into the unknown.
It didn't matter anyways.
As I strolled around, I began to notice the things that I didn't, sitting in my car. It was a small yet beautiful town- a cluster of about a hundred houses. I didn't know about the people here, but I liked the vibes of this place.
It was beautiful, with green hills and a small river running on its south border. Though small in size, Swindon had its own public buildings, library, church and almost every basic amenity.
And people here were happy. As the town of workers, both men and women worked in various factories, yet very few people migrated out. Most preferred to stay at the place they called theirs.
When I first came to Swindon for surveying the location of the factory, I thought I should reject this place. It was too good to erect a factory here. I could have bought a nice property and built a holiday home here.
But dad liked this location because it was easily accessible, and the land we got was cheaper than the other options. Besides, with the town of factory workers, we didn't need to hire people from outside at double the rate.
It was a winning situation for us, and Victor Sanders never misses one.
The light sound of flowing water broke my chain of thoughts. I finally looked around consciously at my surroundings. I didn't know how but I was standing at the bank of the river.
The people of Swindon had not built the artificial bunds at the banks. Large rocks and boulders were guarding the river for decades, maybe even for centuries.
The chilliness around the river and the peaceful silence calmed my mind greatly. I decided to not waste my time wandering around and sit here for a while enjoying this peace.
I spotted a good place and climbed the rock to sit on it. The cool wind smacked my face, and for the first time in days, I felt calm. With a small smile on my face, I lay back on the hard surface, staring up at the starry sky.
God! This was heavenly!
My eyes closed on their own only to snap open the very next moment. I frowned in confusion upon hearing someone's callings.
"Elena? Elena where are you? Elena??"
My brows creased as I strained my ears. Why did I feel like I have heard that voice before?
"Elena! Oh, here you are! I was looking for you everywhere, Elena!"
My whole body was suddenly on alert, my guards up instantly. Elena... she was here?
But I didn't see anyone. I thought of sitting up and looking for her, but then I stopped myself from doing that.
"Go away, Joanna!"
Joanna! Right! She came today in the office with her. Wait! Why did Elena sound like... like she was crying?
My interest was piqued, and I decided to remain silent and hear their conversation.
Well... men can eavesdrop too!
"Oohhh, Elena!" Joanna cooed, while what I assume, sitting beside Elena.
Elena's silent cries turned into sobs, but they came muffled as if she was hugging her friend.
Though I was mad at her, I felt my heart go to her. I wanted to know what happened that made her so upset. Now that I have seen what kind of a strong woman she was, it was difficult to imagine her otherwise glowing face, beaming confidence and boldness, stained with tears.
"H-how did you find me?" She asked between her sobs.
I couldn't help but smile. Out of all the things, she was concerned about that.
Suits her!
"Your dad called. He said you are upset and left the home without having dinner. And... this is the only place where I could find you. So..." Joanna trailed off.
So, this was Elena Bell's favourite hideout from the world?! Interesting!
They sat in silence for a while, and I grew impatient. Shouldn't Joanna be a good friend and ask what happened?
"He said it again, didn't he?" I heard her question, which felt more like a faithful belief.
"I don't know what his problem is, Joanna. I just... I try everything in my power to win his heart but he... seems like he is set on pulling me back the more I try to fly. He is my father, Joanna! Shouldn't he support me in everything I do?"
Her words struck a dusty, untouched, old cord in my chest. I wanted to see her face and know if she mirrored the same pain as me.
I rolled over, careful to not drop on their heads like a nuclear bomb and scare the shit out of them. I peeked from behind the rock to see them sitting across from me. Their backs rested against the rock behind them.
Elena was still in her pastel pink dress. She had removed the jacket that lay beside her, along with her shoes. I wondered if she was not feeling cold in that white tank top.
Joanna sat like an ideal friend holding her hands while her other hand was draped around Elena's shoulder, trying to calm her.
And for split second, I imagined myself in Joanna's place. But then the image of my ruined car and the insult she threw on my face in the morning burned that image.
"Elena, we have spoken about it millions of times. Why don't you listen to me and move to California? The TGF order wants you there. It has been two years now that they are nagging at you for that.
It will be a great boost to your career too! How long you are going to waste your time in this petty town? Don't you always say that you are born for great things? And I don't see any greatness this town is serving you."
Elena was silent, but I was impressed. TGF is one of the prestigious organisations working in the field of environment and ecology.
Even though I never found any interest in that field, Elena Bell was not an unfamiliar name to me. She had presented the country at many international conferences and had dozens of research papers in her name.
She was admired for her innovative and convenient solutions, visionary ideas and effective execution. But what made her infamous in the business world was her blind passion for her cause.
She didn't care about the billion dollars or the more valuable image of the business houses before ruining them to dust, just to save one tree, or a small lake or a hamlet of tribal people.
Her sharp tongue and i-don't-give-two-fucks attitude attracted the bad eyes at her. And yet that woman didn't care at all!
If only I knew who she was then...
"Joanna! How can I leave my dad? He is getting old, and how long he can work as a union leader? And Swindon... this is my place, my home! I have spent all my life playing on its narrow streets, running in its green hills, and breathing this fresh air.
I cannot imagine myself anywhere but here, Joanna. And... you are here too. I don't want to leave my only friend to pursue appreciation of those plastic dolls!"
Not only Joanna but I was smiling like a fool too.
"But that still doesn't solve the main issue of contention between you and Oliver." Joanna reminded.
Elena's face fell. "I don't think there is any solution unless he decides to support me wholeheartedly."
"Elena, we should be thankful that Oliver hasn't yet spoke to Mr Sanders. If that man gets to know that your own father is against your cause, I am sure he will not miss that to use against you."
Oh well...
I watched as Elena's face changed dramatically. The sadness was now conquered by such hatred that for a minute, not only me but Joanna looked shaken.
"No, Joanna! No matter what Sanders does, I will not lose my cause. I will not let him restart that project."
Joanna looked more scared than worried now. "Elena, I meant to ask you this for a long time but couldn't muster up enough courage.
But today, I want to know. Why do you hate the Sanders so much?"