Dead Body At Trinity Square


"Elena, I meant to ask you this for a long time but couldn't muster up enough courage.

But today, I want to know. Why do you hate the Sanders so much?" Joanna asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

I was still hiding on the rock, listening to their conversation that might give me some answers.

When Joanna asked that, I was curious to know about it too. I paid close attention to Elena's demeanour. She blinked, and when her eyes opened again, that hatred was replaced by simple annoyance.


"I don't have any personal vendetta against them, Joanna. Don't look at me like that. I hate all these rich sharks with an exploitative mindset in general. Sanders just happens to be the top contender on my list." She shrugged her shoulders.

Joanna looked relieved for some reason. "All I can do is pray for the poor family. May God save them from the demon named Elena Bell!" She read a short prayer looking skyward.

I pursed my lips. Wasn't she overestimating her friend there?

What a simple woman could do to the giants like Sanders?

Elena finally smiled before she stood up, dusting her bottom. She picked up her jacket and shoes before rubbing her belly.

"Come on, feed me something hot and spicy."

"How about Chris Evans?"

"Oh I would love it more than anything!"

They laughed on their way, still oblivious to my presence.

This time my mind didn't go to Chris Evans, but to the way, Elena lied to her friend.

Why she hated Sanders so much?

One way or another, I would find it for sure. But for now, my walk to this river had come to my benefit.

"Tomorrow, Elena Bell would see what Devon Sanders is capable of!" I smirked before I turned again, resting my back on the hard, cold rock, and gazing up at the starry sky.





I woke up at eight in the morning, only to realise that I had only half an hour before breakfast.

Damn it!

I sprinted into the bathroom and hurriedly took a shower. I decided to get ready for the office after breakfast. Slipping into a clean t-shirt and sweatpants, I raced my way down to the dining room.

Aunt Maddie and mom were already at the table, and as expected, dad's chair was empty.

I sighed as I walked to greet mom. I hugged her from behind with a smile.

"Good morning, mom!"

"I thought you will miss the breakfast today just like at least twice in every week."

Aunt Maddie tsked as I walked to hug her.

"Enough, Julianne. Can't you talk normally to him once?" She glared at mom before hugging me back from her chair.

"Good morning, my boy!"

"Good morning, aunt Maddie! You look pretty today!" I complimented her before taking my seat beside her.

Her face brightened up instantly. "Really? Have you seen my earrings? Your uncle bought them last week. I showed them to you Julianne, right?"

She showed me her diamond earrings that indeed looked good on her. But then she was a supermodel of her time. Of course, she would still look stunning even in the t-shirt from the roadside sellers.

"Yes, Madison. It is beautiful! After all, my brother has great taste!" Mom never missed a chance to show how proud she was of her younger brother.

"Obviously! It was clear when he chose the best thirty years ago!" Aunt Maddie winked, making mom shake her head with a smile.

The breakfast was served, and I didn't waste any time before digging in. I had gulped only a few morsels when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I tried to reach for it but was warned by mom.

"No phones at the dining table, Mason!"

God! Somebody please save me from this house full of idiots! These people and their annoying rules!

"Of course, mom!" I smiled before slipping it again into the pocket.

I expected the caller to stop calling, but they didn't. It kept vibrating irritatingly, distracting me again and again.

It must be her!

Why women don't understand when to stop?!

I focused on my food while my aunt and mom discussed some useless shit. These were my favourite times when both uncle and Devon were not home, and I could feel at ease.

I opened my mouth to welcome another morsel when Jeremy Wang, my PA, came rushing directly into the dining room.

"Sir... sir..."

I looked up in confusion. Jeremy knew better than barging into my house unwelcome.

"Jeremy? What are you doing here? And.. why do you look so pale?" Mom asked, eyeing him carefully.

Jeremy now looked not only pale but also troubled. He glanced my way unsurely.

"Jeremy, what is it?" I asked.

His eyes searched for something around me, but when he didn't find it, he said, "I was calling you but you didn't receive it."

I gestured at the food and then shrugged my shoulders.

"Erm... sir if you can just... I mean..."

The phone in the living room rang and Fredrick, the butler, rushed to pick it up. He listened to the call before he came to give the phone to aunt Maddie.

"It's sir, mam."


He nodded his head in a yes. Aunt Maddie placed the phone against her ear, and not a few seconds later, her eyes went wide.

"What? Oh my god, Victor! Ok... yes... but..." She sighed with a deep frown on her otherwise pretty face. "Alright. I will be waiting for you. Yes... Mason is here. Should I give him- okay? I will take care of everything. Don't worry. Yes, bye!"

"Madison? What happened?" Mom was the first one to sense the panic on aunt Maddie's face.

But I was more tense than panicked. Why she took my name on the call? I glanced in Jeremy's way to see him on the verge of collapsing after hearing uncle's call.

He looked like he would faint any moment.

"Fredrick, switch on the TV please."

I was a little concerned when Aunt Maddie threw a cursory glance my way.

Fredrick turned on the TV and switched to the news channel.

'Not only people but also the police are shocked at the unfortunate incident that happened at Trinity Square. A black sack has been found right in the middle of the road and in front of the building of the Sanders Group of Companies.

The sack contains a dead body that has a deformed face. Our correspondents are present at the site and have informed us that the police are doing the primary investigation. It shows that the site of the crime is different, and someone must have thrown that dead body there.

Now the question is who is this unidentified person and who killed him? But... there is one more question that very few would think about.

Why did the murderer choose to dump the body in front of The Sanders Group? Was it a deliberate move or a mere coincidence? And does Sanders have anything to do with this murder?"

I tuned out the rest of the news, as my head spun. I didn't need to look at Jeremy to confirm my doubt.

"Oh my God, Madison! What is this? What is happening there?" Mom threw the napkin on the table while standing up.

She looked more angry than worried. I gulped.

"I don't know, Julianne. I have to go there and see that the media stops uttering Sanders like a chant." Aunt Maddie was already on her feet.

"Let me come with you."

"No, Julianne. I think you should stay here. We don't know the situation there and I don't want you to face the media. You know how they will not only question about the murder but..." Aunt Maddie didn't need to complete that sentence because both I and mom knew that she was right.

They would not only ask about the murder but also About Joseph Burke.

"Aunt, give me five minutes. I am coming with you."

She looked a little hesitant, and that was not a good sign.

"Yes, Mason please, go with her. I will inform Devon about this."

Before I could protest, she was already on her way to her room.

Damn it!

"Five minutes, Mason!" Aunt Maddie too hurried to grab her bag.

Jeremy still stood rooted in his place. Once both ladies were out of earshot, I grabbed his arm and hissed darkly.

"How the fuck this happened?"

"I... I d-don't know sir. They... they did their job well. I even got their text saying so but... I... I don't know." His voice cracked in fear.

"Listen, Jeremy! If this thing goes out of hand, I will fucking kill all three of you! Do you get that?"

I jogged to my room and wore the first dress that my hands got on. By the time I came downstairs, mom and aunt were already discussing something.

"Why is he not picking up the phone?" Aunt Maddie's worried voice fell on my ears.

"I don't know, Madison. We already have one problem in hand. Do you think... do you think that woman has created another problem there for Devon?" Mom almost panicked, and I just wanted to snigger at that.

Devon Sanders was a walking magnet for trouble anyways!

"Which woman you are talking about?"

"What is her name again? Oh yes! Elena... Elena Bell, the CEO of The Greenchase Foundation. She is the one leading the protest at the factory in Swindon. Anyways... keep trying him, Julianne and inform me once he picks up the call.

Let's go, Mason. Hurry!" Aunt Maddie almost dragged me through the door, but then she turned her head in mom's way.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. Victor is coming back tonight."

And that was when I knew that I was doomed!