You Are... Devon's Cousin?


I was waiting for her in the VIP lounge of the 'Green Lotus' while staring out of the glass walls. I didn't know what to expect from her, but one thing I knew was that she was a punctual woman, unlike many others.

I checked my watch to see two minutes were left before the clock struck 12. Not a minute later, I heard someone clearing their throat.

I turned to see who it was, and the sight that met my eyes left me flabbergasted.

There she was... dressed in a cute purple knee-length simple dress, and with subtle make-up that didn't hide her natural beauty.

She looked stunning from head to toe, and I wondered why someone like her would waste her life in such a boring and non-rewarding career.

She could easily make big if she just left that petty town and take up any career, even her law practice. Her personality and beauty were enough to gain her big bees.

"Welcome, Miss Bell! Finally, I have got the pleasure to meet you! Please come in." I said with a welcoming smile.