A Friend Or A Foe?


"He is my younger cousin, Miss Bell. I love him like my own brother. But I couldn't tolerate the way he dealt with you and the case of Swindon.

People are scared to speak in his face and show him his shortcomings. Whenever someone dared to do so, they... don't end up well." Mr Burke's words felt true, but at the same time, my stupid heart found it hard to believe them.

His saddened face brightened up instantly as he gazed at me with hopeful eyes.

"But you became the exception, Mis Bell! You didn't scare away from putting Devon in his place. You stood strong against him and didn't let him use his dirty ways against you."

For some reason, this conversation made me feel uncomfortable. And suddenly, I felt the need of wetting my throat with the wine. I took the glass and gulped down its content as ceremoniously as possible.

I blinked twice, getting used to the strong aftereffect of that liquid.