A Heartless Monster


"Say something damn it! Your silence is killing the last ounce of mercy I have left with me." He shouted in my face.

I was too stunned to react. As I watched him, I questioned who was this man.

He was not the Devon I knew. And he was definitely not the French guy to whom I have managed to lose my heart.

Then who was he?

Was he the man that Mason was warning me about? Yes, he was definitely the man Mason described to me. How could he be so brutal with his own cousin, his own family?

And if he was like that with his family, then did I stand any chance of mercy from him? Could I trust him the way I did?

He had broken my trust more than once, and today when he glared at me murderously, I didn't think I could give him another chance.

He had no right to treat me like that. He was nobody to me!

His grip on my throat tightened, and I choked. My face turned red, and my eyes bulged out of their sockets. But he was merciless. He didn't care about my pain.

That was enough!