We Will Be Ruined!


A silver old car stood on the roadside just a few metres away from 'Green Lotus'. Its dark filmed windows were closed, not allowing the outsiders to take a look inside.

The paparazzi and media had crowded the entrance of one of the best restaurants in the city. They usually gathered to click a celebrity with their secret date or a politician having an extramarital affair and so on.

But today, they had got a jackpot. The man wearing a cap sat in the passenger seat beside the woman with shoulder-length hair.

He took out his phone and scrolled through the websites of media houses present there. Twitter was tweeting continuously, and #arrogantbillionare #blacksheepofsanders #spoiledbillionaire trended everywhere with Devon Sanders' pictures.

He was coming out of the restaurant with messed up hair and bloodied knuckles. His eyes were bloodshot, and when a cameraman tried to get too close to him, he lost it.