You Should Be Scared Of Your Actions


I could see how worried and nervous Elena was. I stared at her reflection in the mirror as she trembled in my grasp.

The fear in her honey-coloured eyes was supposed to make me happy, and give me a sense of domination and victory. That was my very intention of agreeing to Mr Ortiz's plan, of course apart from the gains, I would get in business and against my obnoxious cousin!

But the very thought that Elena was scared of me made me sick at the core. I didn't want her to get scared of me, only respect me for who I am!

The scent of her cologne made me inhale a long breath. And that's when I realised how her skin was exposed to me. I didn't realise when I moved her hair to one side. Touching her, speaking to her and feeling her against me came so naturally to me that I wondered how one kiss could make that undeniable impact.

I saw the nerve in her neck throbbing as she breathed rapidly. I pressed her more against me, feeling her softness.