Now That Was My Woman!


I didn't feel good after talking with aunt Joanna like that. I had never been so rude to her. But she must understand that now Elena was my responsibility though I was marrying her only out of my selfish motives.

And the other reason I didn't want to leave her alone in the city was Mason. He must be wandering out there like a raging bull, looking for her. He would definitely try to ruin this thing for me.

But I wouldn't allow that!

"You should have gone to meet your parents. They must want to know the reasons for your actions tonight." She didn't sound sarcastic or hateful. Nor she sounded concerned.

"I know but that can wait until the morning. Right now you are my priority."

I noticed her finger freezing midway while she was scratching her thumb.

She held my gaze for a few seconds before she looked away. Turning around to face me, she said, "I want to go back to the hotel. I need some rest."

She indeed looked exhausted.

"First you need to eat something."