An Unknown Visitor


It was Saturday afternoon when Jimmy asked us to come to his cabin. I, Devon and Victor were the only one present in the hospital at that time.

We sat in Jimmy's cabin, our eyes glued on the file in front of him.

"Dr York, what you wanted to discuss?" Victor asked.

I was quite surprised to see how much time that man managed to be with his best friend. At least there was someone he was loyal to.

"Mr Sanders, I have recieved the call from my senior from Virginia." Jimmy began with a serious face.

"And?" Devon asked impatiently.

"He has studied all of Mr Ortiz's reports. He said that there are still chances of his recovery, but for that matter, Mr Ortiz needs to be shifted to Virginia.

My senior cannot make it here as he has his own hospital there. So I have called you to take the decision. I don't know anything about Mr Ortiz's family.

And Mr Sanders, you have signed on all papers as his family member, so it is your call to make.