What's Going On Here?


"Oh god! Boss! This is getting too dirty and complicated." Christine sat in her chair, rubbing her forehead.

I sighed, banging my forehead on the table. "I really don't know what to do. I am so pissed off that I fear I might chop off someone's head if they dared to step on my toe."

She reached out for my shoulder from across the table. "Please don't worry, big boss. We will get through this. Don't forget that we are together in this."

I looked up and smiled at her. "Thanks, Christine!"

Her phone rang, and she picked it up.


"Uuh-huh... hmm... okay... right." She responded while searching through the drawers of the table before she found a folder.

"Yes, it's with me. I am coming." She ended the call before facing me.

"Boss will you please wait for five minutes? I just need to deliver this folder on the sixteenth floor."