Don't Make Me Break My Values!


"Elena? What happened?" Devon asked calmly, waiting for my explanation.

But I was angry at him too. Because if he hadn't put his trust in Ashleigh blindly, then we wouldn't be facing this situation at all.

"When was the last time you took time to read your personal finances that Asheligh looked after for you?"

He was more confused than before. He tried to remember, but I wasn't so patient.

"Don't bother because you won't remember!" I snapped, not caring how loud I was and that the door of that cabin was still open and the people outside had their ears strained.


"This is just ridiculous, Devon! I didn't expect you to be so foolish. Do you know that this woman is siphoning funds from your accounts without your knowledge?

It is clear from your personal notes and the entries in this file. I can bet this is not the first time, and she has done it before for god knows how long!"