Chapter 17: Hunting Ground!

Chapter 17: Hunting Ground!

Thud! Thud!

The two wolves crashed onto the nearby trees while the wolf in Aakesh's hands fell unconscious.

As Aakesh looked at the wolf in his hands, the eyes of the mother wolf at that time appeared in his eyes.

'They will get revived!'

'They will get revived!'

'They will get revived!'

As he struggled to deliver the fatal blow, Aakesh kept thinking in his heart. His heart began to calm as he considered the same thing, and his left hand curled into a fist.

Aakesh didn't know whether it was all his misunderstanding, but he didn't care about it as long as his heart believed that the wolves would get revived for the adventurer's next entry into the dungeon.

As for what happened in the future, Aakesh didn't care. He was confident that this issue wouldn't trouble him forever, or there was no way he would be able to reach the stage Manish desired for him fourteen months later.

Aakesh took a deep breath and hit the unconscious wolf right in the face. It wasn't the last strike, as the wolf survived and howled in pain.

Aakesh's eyes turned cold as he didn't want to see the wolf struggle in pain, so this time, his fist contained even more strength as it landed perfectly.

The howling abruptly stopped, and the blood caused his hands to turn silver. Aakesh disgustingly threw the corpse away. He took a deep breath as his heart began to race after he saw the disfigured corpse and felt the wet blood on his hands.

The other two wolves howled as they saw their comrade dying, but unfortunately for them, their bodies didn't have perfect bones left after the crash.

Aakesh didn't gain any XP from the kill since the wolf was only Level 2. Since it was a dungeon, the kill didn't get counted for low-level killing.

Aakesh took a deep breath again since it wasn't easy for him to stand in this scene. A few seconds later, Aakesh proceeded toward the other two wolves and also ended their lives since they were also howling in pain.

Aakesh didn't proceed right away but first cleaned his hands of the silver blood using the leaves. Some of it had dried, so to remove it, Aakehs would need to clean it using water. Unfortunately, he could not see any water sources.

A few minutes later, Aakesh proceeded further after he had completely calmed down.

Not long later, Aakesh suddenly felt extreme danger. Aakesh didn't know how his senses had gotten so sharp, but he was thankful for that.

Aakesh quickly bent down, and soon he heard a crunching sound coming from near his head.

As he looked up, Aakesh saw a wolf stuck in the tree with all its jaws embedded in the wood. Aakesh felt his back wet with sweat, not daring to imagine what would have happened if he had been even a little slower in his actions.

The wolf was now like an animal tied in a cage waiting for her, so without wasting any time, Aakesh punched it.

The next moment, a miraculous scene occurred in front of Aakesh as the wolf exploded into light, and soon some coins appeared on the ground.

Aakesh bent down and picked up all the coins, finding them to be six copper coins. Anything was better than nothing, and after these six coins, Aakesh was only a few coins away from getting the sword art he had chosen.

Aakesh put the coins in his pocket and proceeded further. He became even more cautious as his every step only landed after Aakesh had checked all four directions.

Aakesh didn't get any more sudden attacks, and soon he reached deep into the jungle.

A group of wolves welcomed him as they pounced on him as soon as they saw Aakesh.

Aakesh wasn't a fighter from the start, so his steps weren't perfect, but the overwhelming attributes he had gave him exaggerated advantages.

There were four wolves in the group, with three of them being Level 3, while one was Level 4.

It only took a punch from Aakesh to take the wolf out of the battle, and soon in only a span of a few minutes, Aakesh ended the battle.

[You have gained 1 XP!]

This time, the scene of wolves exploding into light didn't occur, and only their corpses sullied the ground.

Aakesh then proceeded further, and soon he came across another group of wolves. The group was of four wolves this time as well, but all four wolves were Level 4.

Aakesh finally faced a strong battle as all four wolves acted tandemly. They attacked and retreated at the same time.

Aakesh had exceptional attributes but no fighting knowledge to use them, so the battle wasn't easy.


"Urgh!" Aakesh groaned in pain as blood flowed from his shoulder area.

Even though Aakesh was groaning, there was also a smile on his face since he had just killed the first of the four wolves.

[You have gained 1 XP!]

The familiar sound rang in Aakesh's head, but he didn't care as he charged at the second wolf.

After the death of the first wolf, the battle became easy for Aakesh, and he soon won.

[You have gained 1 XP!]

[You have gained 1 XP!]

[You have gained 1 XP!]

Using the nearby tree as support, Aakesh gasped for breath.

After Aakesh had regained some energy, he rushed toward the coins waiting for him.

Out of the four wolves, only one gave Aakesh coins. Aakesh soon picked it up and found the number of coins to be ten.

A smile spread across Aakesh's face as he finally had sufficient coins to buy "Master of all Sword Arts."

After Aakesh felt he had gotten enough rest, he proceeded forward.

After traveling for a few minutes, Aakesh finally reached the end of the dungeon, and a Level wolf welcomed his sight.

Aakesh's face was calm while the wolf boss growled at him. Aakesh could sense a slight danger from the boss, but he didn't care since he still hadn't used the OG skill, "Last Attempt."

Aakesh didn't activate the skill right away since he wanted to check whether he could defeat the boss without it. Aakesh charged toward the wolf while the wolf also pounced at him.


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