Chapter 18: Wolf Whisperer Amulet!

Chapter 18: Wolf Whisperer Amulet!

Aakesh stood in the jungle, facing off against the boss wolf. The enormous wolf stared at him with razor-sharp teeth and piercing eyes.

Aakesh was undaunted, however. He had come here with the advantage of the Ring of Abundance.

Aakesh and the wolf pounced at each other simultaneously, not giving the initiative to the other party.

The wolf snarled and lunged forward, its claws extended. Aakesh could clearly see the attack, so he sidestepped the attack midway. He then delivered a swift punch to the wolf's stomach. His attack power was no joke as the wolf yelped in pain and staggered back.

Aakesh pushed his advantage, moving forward and kicking the wolf repeatedly in the head and chest. The wolf tried to attack Aakesh back, but he was too quick. He dodged the wolf's attacks and kept up his assault.

The wolf was beginning to tire, its movements becoming slower and less precise. Aakesh could sense victory calling to him. He didn't waste time dilly-dallying and went for the final blow.

But suddenly, the wolf that was on the verge of exhaustion began expanding. Its eyes turned red, while its claws became sharper and longer. Aakesh felt a chilling sensation as he saw the scene.

Aakesh understood that if this scene continued, he might be at a disadvantage. Aakesh activated the skill, Last Attempt!

The next moment, a sense of slight pain passed through his body while his muscles got tighter. At that moment, Aakesh felt that his body was too heavy for him to move, but he persisted and launched a final punch at the wolf's head.

The punch went slower than Aakesh wanted, but the overwhelming strength of that hit was enough by itself. After being punched by Aakesh, the wolf's head exploded like a watermelon hit by a hammer. The headless wolf fell to the ground, defeated.

[You have gained 50 XP!]

Aakesh stood dumbfounded at the scene, as he felt he had committed more than he should have.

As the boss wolf fell to the ground, it exploded into light, and soon a shiny item appeared in its place.

Time flew by, and thirty seconds had passed in a flash.

Aakesh felt his body shrinking and turning lighter as the skill duration came to an end.

Aakesh couldn't help but lean on the nearby tree for support since the sudden decrease of so many units from his strength also took a toll on him.

After Aakesh had regained some energy he bent down and picked up the shiny material on the ground.

He had only grabbed it when Aakesh found a white light covering him.

The next moment, Aakesh felt his surroundings change as he appeared at the entry point of the dungeon.

No one focused on Aakesh since people were regularly coming out of the dungeon. Aakesh was also quite injured, so no one believed that he had cleared the dungeon by himself.

Only the officer sent by the town was an exception since he could see the killing reward in the hands of Aakesh.


Aakesh hurriedly left the area as he still hadn't checked the item he got from killing the boss.

Once Aakesh reached a silent area, he focused on the item in his hands. It was a hexagonal white metal with slight grey edges. In the middle of the item, there was a diagram of a wolf roaring.

Aakesh then activated his basic appraisal eye, and soon, the details of the item appeared in front of him.

[Wolf Whisperer Amulet] (Ordinary Rank)

Equipment Level: 0

Requirement: Level 3,

Effect: Grants the ability to communicate with Silver Wolves

Additional skill: [Pressure Wave]

Description: The user focuses their energy and releases a powerful wave of pressure, capable of knocking back and restricting wolves up to Level 10.

Effect: Knocks unconscious wolves up to Level 5; Restrain wolves up to Level 10, with a minor chance of knocking them unconscious

Duration: N/A

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Cost: 25 MP

Restrictions: Only effective against wolves up to Level 10. Does not work against bosses or other animals.

Aakesh was surprised when he read the details of the item. Wolves were a constant threat to the Yellow Town's residents, so anything that could limit their mobility was highly sought after and therefore very expensive.

Aakesh could use it for now, and once he had grown stronger, he would sell it to new adventurers or the local NPC to earn some coins.

Aakesh was going to proceed further when he suddenly sensed his energy getting sucked out. If Aakesh were to open his status panel at that moment, he would have seen his MP disappearing at an extremely rapid rate.

Aakesh's face turned ugly as he didn't know what was happening.

Fortunately for him, it ended quickly. At that time, Aakesh only had 1 MP left out of 150.

Before Aakesh could understand what was happening, he suddenly saw the diary, appearing out of thin air.

At that moment, Aakesh was both excited and depressed. He became excited because the appearance of the diary meant he was going to get new information, while depressed because things happened without his control.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I wrote this chapter rather quickly, so if you find any errors or areas for improvement, please let me know. Hopefully, I'll have time to revise that tomorrow.

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