Chapter 27: Tough Level Difficulty(End)

Chapter 27: Tough Level Difficulty(End)

Aakesh jerked his sword, tearing whatever flesh was in its way.


Before Aakesh could kill the attacker, he received a menacing growl. Aakesh's expression darkened, and the growl quickly spread to include others.

Aakesh wasn't worried about his life as he had a large pool of HP and still had his skills left for him to use.

The pain felt in Panagea was about 30% of what the same pain in reality would feel like, so Aakesh didn't want to get injured.

Aakesh first ended the life of the attacker, and soon it exploded into light. Aakesh ignored the scene as a group of ten wolves charged at him.

[You have gained 50 XP!]

Each wolf in the group was Level 6, with the leader being Level 7. It was only the second wave, and Aakesh had already come across the first Level 7 wolf.

Aakesh could only shake his head, thinking about the opponent's levels in the other two dungeons if this was the weakest of the lot.


A metallic sound rang in the area as the wolf's claws clashed with Aakesh's sword. It was a big mistake from the wolf's side, as Aakesh not only had greater strength, but the blade was sharp too. The next moment, the blade cut the wolf's claws into two.

Aakesh didn't stop, as there was already a group aiming to rip him apart. For a moment, the Level 7 wolf was watching the battle scene, but as soon as three wolves died, it also joined the battle.

After its appearance, the wolf didn't randomly attack Aakesh, but they decided to go with the exhaustion strategy.

Unfortunately for them, Aakesh's agility was over 30, so both his movement and attack speed were faster than the wolves.

A few minutes later, Aakesh stood in the middle of a gory scene as inner organs scattered all over the ground.

[You have gained 50 XP!]

[You have gained 50 XP!]




[You have gained 100 XP!]

Aakesh felt uncomfortable and nauseous, but for some reason, he was able to stand straight. Still, Aakesh didn't want to test his limits here, so he wore the gloves he had bought and began to pick up the coins lying peacefully on the ground.

Aakesh felt better when he counted the coins and the amount of XP he gained from this wave.

Even if the 100 XP he gained from the Level 7 wolf were to be deducted, he still gained five hundred XP.

Since Aakesh had come here, he had earned around a thousand XP, more than one-third of what he needed to level up again.

Aakesh then took off the gloves and shook them. The silver blood on it flew out since Aakesh had bought it for this purpose from the weapon store. It cost him seventy-five copper coins.


[You have gained 100 XP!]

[Level Up!]

Aakesh suddenly heard the gentle female voice leveling up. The next moment, a warm, comfortable feeling washed over Aakesh, removing any negative state if it existed.

Aakesh shook his head in disappointment, as from now on, killing a Level 6 wolf would only reward him 1 XP. Aakesh then stepped ahead and cut the trees in his way.

Aakesh had only taken a few hundred steps and cut a few trees when the sky changed.

The swathe of dark clouds in the sky disappeared, and a red sky welcomed his sight. It was as red as blood, as if the sky had devoured countless amounts of blood.

Soon after, a bright moon appeared in the sky, making the scene both terrifying and beautiful.


Not long after a powerful howl rang out in the area. In response to the howl, the wind took the speed of a storm and began its singing and dancing.

"As the moon rises in the sky

A howl echoes through the night.

The storm begins, the winds do moan

And rain of blood falls from the sky." Aakesh murmured a few lines of the poem the officer had left him with when he had asked for suggestions.


Another howl rang in the sky, but this one was closer and louder.

Aakesh first looked at the sky and snapped a picture of a white moon in the blood-red sky. Aakesh only had to think of it, and after logging out, he would be able to find the image in his virtual device database. Aakesh thought it would be a while before he saw more stunning scenery than what was in front of him.

Aakesh suddenly felt the ground beneath him shaking as if a giant mammoth was waking up. The howl got closer and louder while the shaking got quicker.

Soon after, a gigantic beast appeared in Aakesh's sight. It was still a wolf, but it was three times Aakesh's size.

The wolf's eyes were blood red, the same color as the sky, and there was a pattern of a howling wolf in the area between the wolf's brows.

{Elite Silver Wolf

Description: A mixed-blood mutated wolf between a Silver Wolf and a Giant Wolf

Level: 8

HP: 1000/1000}

Aakesh activated the basic appraisal skill, and the next moment, a small window appeared in front of him.

The wolf growled at Aakesh and charged toward him. Aakesh knew that he couldn't take it easy since the wolf had a thousand HP. As for its level, he didn't care. He only considered that its death would give him 100 XP.

Aakesh activated the skill Shadow Strike. The next moment, a black light appeared around the sword as Aakesh jumped and slashed at the wolf's head.

His physical attack power was around fifty, and when the sword's damage was included in it, the attack became overwhelmingly strong.

The sword, engulfed in black light, slashed through the wolf's head. The red pattern on the wolf's head suddenly lightened up as a red barrier emerged around the wolf.

The barrier did nothing to stop the sword, as the blade easily went through it, cracking it like shards of glass.

But before the blade could touch the wolf's head, another barrier rose, stopping it.

In the end, the wolf survived, but it didn't come easy as the blood-red pattern had turned dim.

Before Aakesh could prepare for the next attack, the blood-red pattern lightened up again and flew into the sky.


The sky rumbled as clouds began to gather in the sky. Aakesh remembered the rest of the lines of the poem, but in front of overwhelming strength, nothing mattered, so Aakesh jumped again, and when he was above the wolf's head, he activated the skill, Last Attempt.

All of his other attributes turned to strength, and with it, Aakesh struck.

The wolf's head was like a watermelon, as the strike not only cut off its head but also crushed it, and the remaining power went to the ground, creating a wide pit and a large dust cloud.

The sky calmed down as the owner of the skill was no more in this world, and the wolf's remaining corpse exploded into light.