Chapter 28: Yes or No!

Chapter 28: Yes or No!

The sky turned calm, and the headless wolf exploded into light particles. The blood-red pattern of the howling wolf came down and melted into the light particles, dying them red.


A loud sound rang in the area as Aakesh crashed to the ground, creating another pit. In addition to its benefits, the [Last Attempt] also had some drawbacks. Its advantage was that it provided five seconds of overwhelming strength. The skill's owner was like a rock without the defense of a rock in those thirty seconds since all other attributes were zero.

Aakesh felt nothing during the five seconds, but when the time was over, he couldn't help but groan as the fall was heavy.

Groaning, Aakesh stood up, but before he could stand straight, he fell down. Using Last Attempt with such high attributes while only having a Level 4 body was extremely dangerous, as Aakesh felt an unbearable wave of pain attack him.

Fortunately for him, there were no injuries, so his high endurance began working. Around forty minutes later, Aakesh felt he could now stand up and walk without falling.

Aakesh's face was filled with excitement when he stood up. He forgot about the pain, as it was time to see his loot.

A slightly deep pit spread across a few meters and welcomed Aakesh only after he took a step forward. Aakesh looked down, and a shining object greeted his sight.

Aakesh jumped down since the pit's depth was only half a meter and the wolf's blood had already disappeared into light particles.

Aakesh raised his eyes in surprise when he reached there. He could finally see the item. It was a scroll, and next to it were a few shining coins.

Aakesh almost jumped in excitement as those were silver coins. Aakesh had seen that the coins had high value in the town as ordinary weapons only went for some bronze coins.

[Congratulations, you are the second player in the world to solo clear tough-level difficulty in the entry dungeon!]

[Do you want to make this knowledge public?



[Making the knowledge public will reward you with one Gold coin!]

Before Aakesh could count the number of coins, a blue screen popped out in front of him.

Aakesh couldn't help but take a second look at the window, as he was only the second player in the world to clear tough-level difficulty. But then Aakesh stopped thinking about it, as he had spent more than a day learning the sword. There were bound to be players across the world surpassing him, and the Ring of Abundance wasn't also a unique item; there were eight of them in total.

Aakesh didn't waste his time thinking over whether to reveal his name to the world and tapped on no.

A gold coin this early in the game was a great reward, but Aakesh didn't want to let his name be known to the governments or those powerful companies for now.

Getting the limelight would be disastrous since Manish had warned him about how the government would turn into a federation to control things, and they wouldn't be able to do it without the support of those powerful companies. Before completing the three quests given by Manish, Aakesh would like to remain an anonymous player.

The first player had also refused to disclose his name since Aakesh only found out about someone else clearing the dungeon this time. Aakesh didn't care what the reason for that player's choice was, but he supported it.

"Great!" Aakesh muttered in joy as he found the number of silver coins to be ten. It was a great amount at this point. It wasn't enough to buy a Rare level weapon, but it was more than enough to purchase one or two Advanced-level skills.

Aakesh then focused on the scroll in his hands. It was like those messages left in ancient times.

Aakesh then untied the knot, stopping the scroll from opening. The next moment, the scroll fully opened like an elastic.

Aakesh's breathing got rough as he read the content on the scroll.

Red Barrier(Advanced)

Passive Skill

Type: Defense

Description: Summons a shield of red energy that protects the user from incoming attacks and reflects half-damage at the attacker

Special Properties:

Absorbs incoming attacks, reflecting them at the attacker

Can withstand a certain amount of damage before dissipating

Passive activation, constantly active in the battle

Requirement: Level 10,

Duration: N/A

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Cost: 5 Mana per second

"FUCK!" Even someone calm like Aakesh couldn't help but scream in shock after reading the content on the scroll.

Aakesh was only thinking about buying one after earning the silver coins, but as his luck would have it, he already got one, and a defensive one at that.

Defensive skills were usually more expensive than attacking or movement ones. It would be tough for Aakesh to find one in ten silver coins, but now he didn't need it.

At the same time, Aakesh felt shocked that an entry-level dungeon rewarded him with an advanced skill.

'Is it what people call plot armor?' Aakesh couldn't help but wonder, as his luck had been great in the game up to now.

Aakesh then stopped wandering in his thoughts and returned to reality, while at the same time, a white light also engulfed him.

The next moment, Aakesh disappeared from the dungeon and appeared outside.

Before leaving, Aakesh thanked the officer for his clue. It didn't come to help him as he was too strong for the dungeon, but it was still a help.

When Aakesh left the area, the town hall was his destination. The skill had a requirement of a Level 10 user, so he needed to reach that level.

Level 10 was like an evolution in this game world. After that level, the adventurer would become eligible to choose their game class.

The information about the game class wasn't in the public domain, as the game developers were like ghosts; there was no general information about them. In contrast to how Earth-based gamers behaved, no adventurer had also posted about it. It was like there was a cloud stopping those below Level 10 from knowing about classes.

Aakesh was similar in that respect, as the diary hadn't talked about game classes for now.


A/N; Sorry for the random number of uploads or sudden absence these last few days. My family and I were busy celebrating a vacation. I devoted my extra time to my other book, so we reached this situation.

From the day after tomorrow, the book will update two new chapters every day, and I will also announce the extra chapter goals on that day.

Thanks for reading the book! I appreciate all your criticism and compliments!

If you have some time, please don't forget to leave reviews!