Chapter 43: Coin Tosser(4)

Chapter 43: Coin Tosser(4)

"What coin?" Flustered, Aakesh questioned.

Veera couldn't help but laugh upon hearing Aakesh's flustered tone.

"Don't worry. We aren't here for it."

"Do you want to make a deal?" Veera asked with a slight grin.

Aakesh could only sigh helplessly at his abysmal acting and ask, "What deal?"

"I have heard that adventurers can revive after their deaths, so I am going to need you to die at a place."

"The coin will be your reward," Veera's face turned serious, and he responded.

Aakesh raised his eyes in surprise after hearing Veera. The deal's content wasn't harmful to Aakesh. The only side-effect was that he wouldn't be able to log in to the game for some time.

Since Aakesh still hadn't gained any classes, the death penalty after Level 10 hadn't become active.

Despite it, Aakesh didn't agree right away. He could sense something fishy about the deal. Since Veera knew about the coin, he must also know its value.

Manish had only discovered three of these coins despite taking multiple rebirths because they were so rare. So, giving up on the coin with just the promise of a single death sounded fishy.

Veera would be able to use many people if he even shared one-tenth of the value of the coin with them.

"What if I don't agree?" Aakesh asked after a pause.

The best way to know someone's intention was to see their reaction after refusing their bid.

"Then you can die."

As Aakesh had expected, Veera's face turned cruel as he coldly responded.

"I don't have much time here. Answer whether you will make the deal or not?" Veera asked, suddenly becoming hurried.

'You were smiling and laughing casually a moment ago, but now you have suddenly become busy,' Aakesh thought in his heart.

"I will agree to it," Aakesh answered.

Since his actual life wasn't at stake here, Aakesh decided to take the deal. Or that's what, Aakesh told him to make him forget that he accepted it out of fear of what these people would do to him.

"Good," Veera responded. He then turned around and began conversing with the woman next to him.

It was a veiled woman, with only her eyes visible. Her green eyes were beautiful enough to say everything, and at that moment, they only had anger and resentment in them.

Time flew by. Aakesh wanted to know why they were waiting here despite Veera being in a hurry, but when he asked, there was no response.

The people in the group were slowly increasing, and they now crossed the tally of fifteen.

Whatever thoughts Aakesh had of escaping, he gave up on them, as there was not a single person in the group he could defeat.

"Let's go!"

Veera suddenly announced. The people casually strolling around the alley returned to Veera and formed a group around him, with Aakesh being one of them.

The next moment, Veera approached the wall and then began to follow the steps. It was the same as Aakesh.

Finally, after the last step was complete, the cement joint binding the bricks suddenly turned into liquid, and then, the bricks began to fall on the ground.

In no time, only a dark space was left in place of the wall, while the bricks were spread here and there in the alley.

There was a kind of gloom oozing from the dark space, so when the wind coming from it touched Aakesh, he felt a cold finger streaking through his body.

Others had the same reaction and were in control, even the girl adventurer. Only Aakesh wiggled from the sudden chill.

No one made fun of Aakesh because they were all grimacing while looking at the wall in front of them.

"Be prepared at all times!"

Veera ordered and stepped inside the space, with others following.

The girl with the veil suddenly turned around and looked at Aakesh. There was regret in her eyes. It was as if they wanted to apologize to Aakesh.

Unfortunately, Aakesh was no eye reader. Since he was the last in the group, he had the opportunity to run away from here, but Aakesh gritted his teeth and stepped inside.

The world is bound to change, and so he needed to be ready for that. If he would even give up on opportunities due to fear, then the diary left to Aakesh was a waste, and Aakesh never wanted the diary to be a waste since it was the amalgamation of his brother's struggle over several years.

After everyone had entered the dark space, the bricks scattered around the alley magically began to move, and soon, in no time, the familiar wall with undamaged bricks but a ruined exterior appeared.


"When you enter the dark space, you will be randomly transferred to a place inside the area. The coin is placed at the center of the area, and that is your destination."

The content of the diary appeared in Aakesh's head as he looked around. As the diary had said, he was randomly placed in the vast area, where only he was the lone living person.

First Aakesh needed to find where he was so that he could proceed in the direction of the center.

This area is full of treasures, and Aakesh came across sights of weapons lying on the ground. The diary clearly warned Aakesh not to touch anything as these were ghost items.

If Aakesh touched any weapon, he would have to forcefully complete the quest associated with it. If he failed to do it, he would be stuck here forever.

The diary told Aakesh that many of the weapons and other items belonged to people like him, who lost themselves here forever because of failing the quest.

As for the history of the place, the diary didn't say much.

Even though Aakesh was in a game that had reality-like functions, there were some advantages that he could only find here, like a map.

The map's range wasn't vast enough to cover the entire area, but it was enough for Aakesh to find his correct directions.

Following the map, Aakesh found himself in the extreme east, so he began to travel west.

While traveling, Aakesh used his basic appraisal skill on every item. Some he succeeded at, while some he failed at due to the items' high level.

Aakesh was traveling cautiously, not letting himself touch any item on the ground or in the air, and floating at his height when he found an item and activated his basic appraisal skill.


A/N: Comment, Comment, Comment!