Chapter 44: Coin Tosser(5)

Chapter 44: Coin Tosser(5)

Aakesh was traveling when he sighted a coin the size of a hen's egg on the ground. As usual, Aakesh activated the basic appraisal skill.

The next moment, a screen containing the details of the item appeared in front of him and shocked Aakesh.

Pseudo Coin of Fate (Damaged) (Legendary)

Description: A coin modeled after those eleven coins. It is a legendary item

Equipment Level: 0

Requirement: Coin Tosser

Damage: 125-200

Speed: 75

Durability: 42/5000

Additional Skill:

[Coin Strike]

Description: A powerful, quick, and precise strike, dealing heavy damage to enemies

Duration: N/A

Cooldown: None

Cost: 15 MP

[Coin Multiplier]

Description: The player could create multiple coins, depending on their MP

Duration: 5 seconds

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Cost: 25 MP per coin

[Coin Toss]

Description: The player could toss a coin before making any decision. If fortune awaits them, the damages in the coin will heal. If there is danger ahead, it will crack.

Duration: None

Cooldown: None

Cost: None


The content on the screen became random and unreadable after three skills, so Aakesh stopped reading it further.

Aakesh looked surprised as he read the item's details. Especially the skill of "Coin Toss." It was one of the skills in the class Coin Tosser.

The warning about not touching anything here rang in Aakesh's head, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to continue his journey toward the center like he always did after checking the item.

There were risks associated with the items here, but seeing the coin when he was here for the class, Coin Tosser, seemed destiny's way of telling him he made the correct decision.

"Should I grab the coin?" Aakesh asked himself. It was tailor suited for him once he unlocked the class, but there was also the warning.

"Ugh!" He couldn't help but groan in frustration as he was unable to come to a decision.

"If I don't take risks, then what was the point of even entering the game?" Aakesh asked.

Once the adventurer touched an item, they would automatically unlock a mandatory quest. If they failed to complete it, they would get stuck here. But there were fair chances of completing the quest as well.

Even though the diary warned Aakesh against touching any item, if Aakesh went ahead with whatever the diary had planned, then wouldn't he face the same fate as his brother? Then, what purpose did he serve by committing suicide?

Remembering the scene where Aakesh found his brother dead, his hands automatically clenched into a fist.

"I know I am being reckless here and acting against my character, but I don't want to face the same fate as my brother," Aakesh mumbled as he bent down to pick up the coin while coaxing himself that it was necessary.

Aakesh extended his hands to grab the coin, but they stopped an inch before, and a struggling expression appeared on his face.

"Just how many weaknesses do I have?" Aakesh said with a helpless smile, as he had been let down by himself since he had entered the game world. He got frightened easily, he couldn't harden his heart to kill, and now Aakesh couldn't even stand by what he determined a moment before.

Aakesh gritted his teeth and forcefully extended his hands, tiring himself mentally out.

When Aakesh finally had the coin in his hands, his face looked weird, as it contained a mixture of guilt for what was to come and also excitement for standing by his decision.

Not even a moment had passed when suddenly Aakesh felt the area around him changing; strong winds rose, forcing him to close his eyes. It was as if he were being teleported somewhere else.

When Aakesh opened his eyes, he found himself in a damp place with a man in front of him.

The scene seemed familiar, as in front of Aakesh was the same skeleton he had seen when he got the Ring of Abundance.

This time, there was a change. As soon as Aakesh stabilized his foot, the skeleton seated on the chair opened its eyes.

The coin in Aakesh's hands swiftly flew, forcing its way out after the skeleton suddenly extended its hand.

"Ergh!" Aakesh groaned in pain as a deep cut welcomed his sight when he looked at his right hand.

Before Aakesh could think about the injury, the skeleton suddenly flicked the coin.

A dangerous sensation attacked Aakesh as he hurriedly sheathed his sword and brought it in front of his chest.

The next moment, the coin crashed onto the sword, making a dent in it.

The coin seemed to be a car, as it took everything in Aakesh's strength to throw it away. Aakesh was a coward, but fighting over the past few days had at least made him able to battle.

Aakesh got into the thrusting posture and charged toward the skeleton. His sword pierced the skeleton like a needle.

The skeleton seemed to feel no pain as it attempted to grab Aakesh's sword.

Aakesh's overwhelming strength was no joke as he grabbed the skeleton's hand, using his left hand, and ripped it out.

Aakesh failed to completely rip it out, but the sword had done its work as he activated the skill Thundering Strike.


A loud sound rang in the area as the sword exploded into the skeleton's chest, dry bone pieces flying around the room.

Before Aakesh could celebrate his victory, the bone spurs in the air charged toward him as if they were alive.

There were too many of them, so Aakesh had no choice but to grit his teeth and focus on protecting his vitals.



Aakesh screamed in pain as the bone spurs pierced through his body, creating bloody holes. Fortunately for Aakesh, he protected his heart and head so as not to face a large amount of damage at once.

Finally, the destructive dance of the bone spurs came to an end as some either hit Aakesh, some cracked his sword, and some destroyed the throne-like chair at the center.

Aakesh's face was pale as he had lost too much blood. He hurriedly pulled out an HP recovery potion and devoured its contents.

The next moment, a green light covered Aakesh. There were too many injuries across Aakesh's body to get healed by a single third-grade HP recovery potion. But since at least Aakesh's bleeding had stopped, he didn't take out another potion.

Since Aakesh didn't know what was planned by Veera and the group behind taking him along, he needed to be frugal where he could.

While the pain was there, it was outweighed by Aakesh's delight at securing the coin.


A/N: This is the last arc of this volume, and after it, we will focus on leveling up and those three technology quests.

What do you think the three technologies are? Comment!

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