Chapter 45: Coin Tosser(6)

Chapter 45: Coin Tosser(6)

"Greed stumps every other feeling!" Aakesh said it out loud as he picked up the coin from the ground.

His eyes were delighted while the process of transferring to somewhere else repeated. The next moment, Aakesh found himself with several different types of items scattered around the area.

The coin seemed to be damaged slightly more than when he last saw it. Aakesh then looked at his sword and found it to be cracked all over.

He couldn't help but exclaim in surprise. Even though the coin was damaged, it still ruined his sword.

Time flew by, and around an hour passed in a flash.

Aakesh didn't touch any item after that even though he found an undamaged legendary spear. His sword was already in tatters, so he didn't want to force something on it before he unlocked the class.

Even though Aakesh had been here for more than an hour, he still had to come across any living being. He didn't sight even Veera or his group members.

Aakesh's steps became slow and steady as the number of items now was in large numbers. A wrong step and his foot will land on an item, forcing him to complete a quest.

Aakesh couldn't help but curse whoever designed this area. Seeing valuable items and not being able to take them out was mental torture.

As Aakesh closed in on the center, the quality of the item increased. Sighting a rare item became a rarity as the majority of the treasures now were of Epic quality, with legendary mixed here and there.

To stop himself from becoming greedy, Aakesh even stopped using the basic appraisal skill.

More time flew by, and suddenly, the items scattered around the ground disappeared.

Aakesh's face turned solemn as he was close to the center.

The diary talked about the area. It was the buffer zone between the center and the treasure ground. What made it dangerous was the presence of people like Aakesh. They came here and lost themselves to their greed, but unlike Aakesh, they failed to complete their quests.

Aakesh had only taken a step forward when he heard the sound of fighting coming from the front.

The area was like a forest, so Aakesh's view wasn't clear. Aakesh wasn't one to put his nose in other people's business, so he silently changed his direction.

Aakesh no longer needed to see the map, as no matter from what direction he passed this area, he would reach the palace at the center.

Aakesh hadn't traveled far when he heard sounds of fighting coming from two directions at the same time.

Similar to the last time, Aakesh avoided both directions and traveled in another.

Aakesh wasn't worried about facing those who were stuck here since many were stuck here for too long, so even if they were levels above him, they wouldn't have the strength to match his punch.

What worried Aakesh was Veera and his group members. Since Veera needed him, he was safe if Veera was present, but who's to say others wouldn't kill him?

Aakesh continued, and finally, he had no choice but to fight, as a group of people found him.

Fortunately for Aakesh, they didn't have any weapons to use. Even though the training ground had thousands of various weapons, no one could use them before completing the quest, so despite living near an oasis, these people had to go to sleep hungry and thirsty.

Aakesh didn't even need a sword to use against them since he had the coin.

Aakesh couldn't activate the skills due to his inability to fulfill the requirement, but he could still use the coin's hardness to hit them.

The coin appeared in Aakesh's hands as he flicked it toward the nearest person.

Even Aakesh seemed shocked at how quickly it flew.


Aakesh's aims weren't precise as the coin hit the arm joint, making the man groan in pain.

Aakesh charged ahead as the coin wouldn't automatically come to him. His fist formed a punch.

When Aakesh reached the man, he ignored the uncomfortable feeling in his heart and punched the man.

The man couldn't help but cough up blood as he fell to the ground. Fortunately for him, Aakesh still couldn't kill, or the strike would have hit the man's head rather than his stomach.

There were two more members in the group. They seemed to be jolted awake by the man's instant knockout.

Aakesh's luck seemed to be great, as these two men were Level 10 since they had come here to unlock the class, Coin Tosser. But they touched an item and failed to complete the quest.

Not every quest was life-threatening like the one Aakesh chose. If he had failed to do that, the skeleton would have killed him.

The diary repeatedly warned Aakesh since Manish didn't want to see this happen to Aakesh as well. Even though these people were only a short distance away from the palace, they could never cross this area and reach there.

It took two more punches to knock the two unconscious. Aakesh then proceeded forward.

Aakesh came across another group, and at that time, the group consisted of seven people.

Aakesh seemed to have seen his death if he fought, but his life seemed to hang by a thread as Veera also passed by that place.

Aakesh then had no choice but to join Veera's group, and they finally reached the palace at the center.

It wasn't a grand palace or anything like that. It was only a three-story house with a ruined structure. It was only that; its name was the palace.

Not far from the building, there was a board titled "Fate Palace."

Aakesh didn't have the mood to see the irony of that since he became worried about what plans Veera had for him.

The group didn't immediately enter the building, but they were to wait for the entire group to arrive.

Time flew by, and two hours passed.

Except for the veiled girl, all members of the group had arrived.

"I don't think she is coming," One of the men in the group whispered into Veera's ears.


A/N: Comment, Comment, Comment!