Chapter 46: Coin Tosser(7)

Chapter 46: Coin Tosser(7)

"I don't think she is coming," One of the men in the group whispered in Veera's ears.

The smile on Veera's face didn't disappear, as he didn't respond to the man and kept waiting.

Around five more minutes had passed when the silhouette of a person coming toward them could be seen.

The smile on Veera's face turned wider, as when the view became clear, it was none other than the girl with the veil.

"You underestimate me!" Veera chuckled. His comment aiming at the man from earlier.

Veera didn't say anything to the girl as she came and stood right beside him.

"Let's go!" Veera surveyed the area, and after finding that everyone was there, he announced.

As Veera's eyes focused on him for a longer time than the others, Aakesh winced.


[Adventurer! You won't be able to log out until you complete the quest!]

As Aakesh stepped into the building, the familiar, gentle female voice rang inside his head.

Since the diary had clearly informed Aakesh of this, he didn't seem surprised. He even knew what quest he needed to complete.

The coin was on the top floor of the building, and Aakesh would need to complete a quest every time he stepped on a new level, so this was only the first of the three.

System: Unique Quest "Going Up I" accepted.

Quest details: Defeat the opponent!

A small screen popped out in front of Aakesh not long after.

Aakesh nodded, and suddenly, he found himself in an arena with hundreds of people seated there.

"The champion is here!"

"The champion is here!"

"The champion is here!"

The entire arena was filled with cheers, but they were not for Aakesh. They were for the person in front of him.

It wasn't human but rather a strange cross between humans and an ox. This individual's head was that of an ox without horns, while his body was that of a human. He had human hands but hooves in place of legs.


The man even made the sound of an ox.

He seemed to enjoy the cheers of the people coming from the seats and raised his hands, making the atmosphere even more electrifying.

Aakesh didn't worry about the Oxman as it was only a Level 10 creature.

Soon, a bell that seemed to emerge from all directions rang, announcing the start of the battle.

The loud arena suddenly turned silent while the Oxman charged at Aakesh.

Aakesh wanted to preserve his sword in case a battle happened on the top floor, so he decided to go with his hands.

The Oxman's speed seemed to be slow as a snail, as despite it charging first, Aakesh reached him before he could reach Aakesh.

Aakesh's hands turned into a fist as he struck the head of the creature, knocking him backward.

Aakesh didn't stop as he followed the creature and struck the same spot once again.

The Oxman roared in anger and pain as it was repeatedly struck. Its entire head had turned bloody.

The entire arena was so silent that even breathing voices could be heard.

The Oxman's defenses seemed to be better than his attack and speed, so despite being struck so many times, it was still able to flail its punches.

Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers, and the next moment, a green light covered the Oxman.

At the same time, something hit Aakesh, making him groan in pain.

The diary explained the quest in detail. The audience didn't want to see Oxman lose, so they would cheat. The healing and the stone thrown at him were part of that. It was up to Aakesh to defeat the creature despite that.

Even though a green light covered the Oxman, Aakesh's punch became even more brutal as he hit the creature again and again.

Finally, the creature stopped struggling as he lost consciousness due to the pain.

The audience seemed to erupt in rage after seeing their champion in such a condition, but they could do nothing as a white light covered Aakesh.

When the light disappeared, Aakesh also vanished with it.

Aakesh found himself back in the building. When he looked around, he only found a few more people. It seemed Aakesh was one of the quicker ones.

Now Aakesh was free to leave the building whenever he wanted unless he stepped onto the second floor.

Since there were still people doing their quests, Aakesh decided to look around the floor.

From the outside, it didn't appear to be very big, but once inside, it was about the size of a cricket stadium.

Veera was the first to complete the quest, so he noticed Aakesh looking around. A grin formed on his face as Aakesh looked at him.

Aakesh hurriedly moved his eyes away and began to look around. The floor didn't contain any valuable items; only the basic things required to sustain a comfortable life were there.

There were three rooms, and all three of them were open. One room was empty, one room was like a small library, and the third room was for sleeping since it had a large bed.

Aakesh tried to take the books off their shelves and study them, but he failed to recognize any characters. So, he had no choice but to put them back.

Since Aakesh wanted to see if he could find something valuable that wasn't in the diary, he didn't give up and continued looking around.

Time flew by, and around an hour had passed.


Aakesh was looking around when a loud crashing sound took his attention. As Aakesh turned in that direction, he found a bloodied corpse.

Fortunately, the face wasn't mangled, so Aakesh recognized it. It was one of the group members that came with Aakesh.

Aakesh almost threw out after seeing the condition of the corpse. He had no choice but to look away.

It wasn't a cozy adventure. One wrong step and death awaited him, so Aakesh took that corpse as his lesson and became even more cautious. He was an adventurer, so he wouldn't die in reality, but the pain he would have to endure was real, and Aakesh couldn't ignore that.


A/N: Please leave your reviews! I think these many chapters are enough to write a review!

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