Chapter 47: Coin Tosser(8)

Chapter 47: Coin Tosser(8)

The people other than Aakesh didn't seem to be surprised much when they saw the corpse.

Aakesh's heart grew cold at these people's responses.

'Weren't they supposed to be comrades?' Aakesh thought in his heart.

"Since everyone is here, let's go to the second floor," Veera suddenly announced.


Before leaving, Aakesh couldn't help but pray for the corpse before setting off for the next floor.

He knew that the people here were actual living beings and not just game characters.


Aakesh wanted to look around the floor more, but since everyone had left, he had no choice but to follow.

He then stepped up the stairs and set foot on the second floor.

Similar to the first floor, a quest screen greeted his sight after he landed on the floor.

System: Unique Quest "Going Up II" accepted.

Quest details: Defeat the opponent!

It was the same as the previous one, but the sequence had changed.

The next moment, Aakesh found himself back in the familiar arena.

As soon as he appeared, stones and vegetables flew at him. He easily dodged those, but it was only the start.

Since things were going to be like this, Aakesh decided to ignore vegetables and only dodge rocks thrown at him.

In front of him stood another Oxman, but it was bigger in size than the last one. Also, this one had a club as a weapon.

There were sharp, pointy nails engraved around the club to increase the damage.


The bell that had no direction to its sound rang in the arena, announcing the start of the battle.

The crowd in the arena would play dirty this round, as they lost their champion in the last round. The diary had suggested Aakesh end the battle quickly, as the longer it dragged on, the more difficult and dangerous the situation would become for him.

Aakesh accepted that suggestion as he unsheathed his sword and charged at the Oxman.

The Oxman was still Level 10, but was quicker and stronger than the last one.

Unfortunately for it, Aakesh was still quicker and stronger.

His sword slashed the Oxman while creating a rumbling sound.

Aakesh didn't hold back, so he activated the skill "Thundering Strike."

The Oxman seemed to be no match for it as the sword slashed its hands and clubs together.

The Oxman roared in pain and anger as it no longer had hands to battle.

Aakesh didn't seem to enjoy the bloody scene, so he hit the creature's head with the sword's grip, knocking him unconscious. At the same time, he became the victor.


Thud! Thud! Thud!

The booing and item throwing from the crowd reached an unprecedented height.

Fortunately for Aakesh, he had left right after winning the battle, or he would have seriously gotten injured from the sharp items thrown by the crowd.


The next moment, Aakesh appeared on the second floor.

Even though Aakesh ended the battle so quickly, there were still three people who exceeded him.

The three looked at Aakesh in surprise, especially Veera.

"You are good!" Veera complimented Aakesh.

Aakesh nodded in response to the compliment since he wanted to keep the contact between him and Veera as short as possible.

Aakesh then began to survey the second floor. It was slightly smaller than the first floor, but since there were only two rooms there, the rooms were larger.

Aakesh went first to the closest room. It was a living room, as there was a bed, a cabinet full of clothes, and pictures that had gotten blurry due to the flow of time.

Aakesh first went to the cabinet and began to search for things. His search was fruitless, as there was nothing.

Aakesh still didn't give up and began to search the bed. This time, it bore him fruit, as beneath the thick and comfy mattress, he found a piece of paper.

Aakesh couldn't recognize the characters on the paper, but he didn't have to since a new screen floated up in front of him.

[Type: Series Quest

Quest: Search

Details: It has been more than ten thousand years since the owner left this place, turning it into a dead zone.

Difficulty: C

Requirement: Find the owner of the place and hand the paper to him.

Reward: Ten Gold coins,

Clue: A noble son in the capital city!]

[Adventurer, do you want to accept the quest?



In Panagea, the quests had several levels of difficulty, starting from E, D, C, B, A, S, Epic, Legendary, and so forth.

After finding that it was a series quest and that the difficulty of the quest was C, Aakesh understood that the paper was valuable.

But Aakesh seemed surprised since the diary didn't mention the paper.

It was only beneath the mattress, so it wasn't very hard to find.

"Did someone else get it before him?" Aakesh mumbled as he could only think of this reason behind the diary not mentioning the paper despite it being valuable and hidden in easily found spots.

There was only a small clue, but since there was no punishment for failing it, Aakesh didn't need to worry much about it.

Aakesh then placed the paper in his pocket and continued searching for another item.

Not long after, another person entered the room and froze when he saw the condition of the room.

Aakesh also stopped and looked awkward, as what he was doing would be considered stealing on Earth.

"Did you find anything?" The man's eyes darted around the room and then to Aakesh before asking the question.

"No!" Aakesh responded, and not to let the man doubt him too much, he returned to searching around the room.

Time flew by, and around an hour had passed.

Aakesh found no second item even after he searched the second room.

Aakesh was standing silently, waiting for the group to finish, when a loud crashing sound rang on the floor.

Aakesh's face turned pale when he saw the source. It was the corpse of a woman in Veera's group, but her condition was terrible. Her face was ruined as if someone had hit it with a stone.

Not even a minute had passed when another corpse appeared. It was a man, and he was in even worse shape. The man's internal organs were visible, as his opponent had ripped him from the waist.


A/N: Comment, Comment, Comment!