Chapter 49: Coin Tosser(10)

Chapter 49: Coin Tosser(10)


After Aakesh heard the roar, his face suddenly changed. The next moment, his eyelids began to turn heavy.

Aakesh tried everything to stop him from falling asleep, but his attempts proved to be futile, as his eyes closed, and he fell to the ground.

Not long after, a beast with a human atop it approached Aakesh. The human ordered the beast to carry Aakesh with it and disappeared into the darkness.


Bang! Bang!

"How long will you sleep?" Aakesh rubbed his eyes in frustration after he heard his mother's voice from outside the door.

Aakesh couldn't help but grow surprised when he saw him sleeping back in his room. He turned toward the clock and grew exasperated when he saw the time on the clock to be slightly past 2 in the day.

"How can I sleep for this long," Aakesh mumbled as he went to the door and unlocked it.

There he saw his mother standing, glaring at him, but suddenly, Aakesh's eyes violently expanded after he saw the person next to his mother.

"You are alive!" Aakesh exclaimed in shock, surprising both the mother and Manish.

"What nonsense are you speaking after waking up?" The mother hit Aakesh's forehead and reprimanded him.

Aakesh didn't care about that and stared at Manish. Manish looked at Aakesh in shock after seeing his elder brother acting like this.

"Bhaiji, are you alright?" Manish couldn't help but ask Aakesh out of concern.

The mother also noticed something was wrong with her son, so she couldn't help but gently tell her son to sleep if his health wasn't good.

Aakesh's stare at his younger brother continued, but then he suddenly turned around and looked at his room. After not finding the virtual machine in the room, Aakesh froze.

"Was that all a dream?" Aakesh couldn't help but ask, making both the mother and Manish concerned.

"How could it be a dream? It was so real," Aakesh shook his head and responded.

'Why do you want it to be real? Don't you feel happy that your brother is alive?' Aakesh was going to grow crazy when suddenly this thought appeared in his heart.

"Yes, why am I feeling uncomfortable? Isn't it better for Manish to be alive," Aakesh uttered out loud.

The mother couldn't help but grow angry when she saw Aakesh still talking about Manish's death. She took out her phone and called her husband.

Time flew by, and there had been several hours since Aakesh had woken up in his room.

Aakesh was presently in the living room, eating evening snacks with his family.

"Do you feel alright?" The father couldn't help but ask Aakesh once again, as Aakesh was acting totally out of his character.

Aakesh nodded while pushing the samosa into his mouth.

"Bhaiji, did you hear about the game Myth Online?" Manish suddenly asked, freezing Aakesh.

A second later, Aakesh resumed eating the samosa and asked, "What about it?"

"It is a new game in the market, but the government banned it before they could even launch."

"Why?" Aakesh asked, looking at Manish.

"Who knows, the government does things randomly all the time?" Manish casually scoffed.

"That's bad! You must have liked the game," Aakesh replied and returned to his samosa eating.

The mother looked at Aakesh in concern as it was the sixth samosa Aakesh was eating when he couldn't even eat four before today. Aakesh, on the other hand, didn't care.

"Mother, when am I meeting Shachi?" Aakesh suddenly stopped, raised his head, and asked his mother.

"Who is Shachi?" Manish suddenly asked.

The mother's face on the table suddenly changed and glared at Manish. Aakesh, on the other hand, stood up from his chair and rushed toward Manish.

"Who are you, and why did you take my brother's appearance?" Aakesh asked as he picked up Manish by his collar.

"Bhaiji, what are you doing?" Manish complained as he tried to release himself.

Since Aakesh had come here, he didn't believe it for a moment. Aakesh was a coward, but when it came to his family, he wouldn't care about his life.

From the conversation here, Aakesh could judge that everything was happening as it had happened in his memory, and there wasn't even a slight change to that. Manish played the role of Manish only, while the parents played the role of parents only.

Since things were going like his memory, Aakesh remembered Shachi. Shachi was a topic that happened after Manish's death, so in his memory, Manish didn't know about it, only his father and mother.

So, Aakesh brought the topic out. If everyone failed to recognize Shachi, then Aakesh would take it as the earlier being a nightmare, but if his parents recognized her and Manish failed to, then this wasn't reality.


Aakesh's eyes suddenly showed struggle, but he persisted and tightened the grip on Manish's neck.

Aakesh felt a knife piercing through his heart when he saw Manish crying in pain, but he kept persisting and increased his strength.

The mother and father rushed toward Aakesh and tried to make him release Manish, but at that moment, Aakesh's grip seemed to be a concrete wall, as they couldn't even shake it.

"WHY… WHY DID YOU TAKE MY BROTHER'S APPEARANCE?" Aakesh angrily roared as he pushed Manish's face to the table, breaking his jaw.

At that moment, a drop of tear streamed down Aakesh's cheek, and his grip slightly loosened when he saw the blood.

"Leave my son, you monster!" The father growled as he slapped Aakesh.

Even if it was an illusion, Aakesh couldn't bring himself to push away his parents, so he didn't stop them but focused on the younger brother.

"You should have never taken his appearance," Aakesh's eyes struggled, but his hands didn't stop, and he kicked Manish, throwing him several meters backward.

Aakesh's strength further proved his conjecture that it wasn't reality but he was in an illusion. Between him and Manish, Manish usually would come on top of the battle since he maintained his fitness, while Aakesh usually sat all day.

"Tell me the way to return back to the Fate Palace!"


A/N: Comment, Comment, Comment!