Chapter 50: Coin Tosser(11)

Chapter 50: Coin Tosser(11)

"Tell me how do I leave the illusion!" Aakesh coldly ordered as he rushed and grabbed Manish's impersonator.

Time flew by.

The parent's impersonators refused to answer anything, but they only used words cursing Aakesh. The words uttered by the impersonators were the worse nightmare for Aakesh since when they said these words, they looked like his mother and father.

For any son, hearing that he should have been never born from their parents was extremely heartbreaking.

But at that time, Aakesh didn't care about it and he only wanted to leave this place. The more he saw someone impersonation his family, the angrier he became.


Suddenly, a piercing sound rang in the living room as the father's impersonator attacked Aakesh with a knife.

Aakesh's face grew pale from pain, but he tightened his grip on Manish's impersonator and rushed toward his room. Since he wouldn't be able to bring himself to hurt his parent's impersonator, it was better that he leave the room and focus on Manish.

His heart pained whenever he saw the injured face, but it was the only way by which Aakesh could gain answers.


Aakesh locked his room and threw Manish on the ground.

"You forced me to do this," Aakesh coldly stated and then went to the counter.

Since the room was made in the shape of his actual room and had all the times, he remembered the nail cutter, he had kept on the counter next to his bed.

Even Aakesh felt surprised by his willingness to do it, but he didn't focus much on it as his goal was to leave this damn place.

He then attached whatever skin the slit could store from his fingers and pressed the handle. The next moment, the impersonator's face turned pale, and couldn't help but scream in pain.

"Bhaiji, why are you doing this?" The impersonator screamed with a heartbroken voice.

Aakesh's fingers suddenly froze, but he gritted his teeth and now hit the muscle beneath the cut skin.

"Tell me how to leave the place," Aakesh ordered, but his voice sounded more like a plea.

"Do you have a heart? How can I give up my life for a family member like you?" The impersonator suddenly screamed.

Aakesh couldn't help but take several steps back as the statement forced out the deepest pain in his heart. His eyes turned moist as he took a step forward.

"I am sorry for doing this to someone who looks like you. I will apologize to you personally when I will revive you," Aakesh said with a determined face and broke one of the impersonator's fingers.

"It's my promise to you!" Aakesh grabbed hold of the face that was the same as Manish's without even a little change and vowed.

It was Aakesh promising to Manish himself that he would do it. From now on whenever Aakesh would feel low, he would remember this memory and will continue persisting toward his goal.

"Since you don't want to answer, you don't need to live," Aakesh's voice had grown cold while he wiped his eyes away.

Something seemed to have clicked in his head at that moment. He grabbed Manish and broke his neck. The impersonator died with a grinning face since he didn't believe Aakesh would do that.

Aakesh then stood up. He first went to another counter and opened the first-aid box. He applied Neosporin to the puncture wound, causing a stinging pain.

At that moment, nothing seemed to matter to Aakesh, as after applying the antibiotics, he bandaged the wound and left the room.


Aakesh opened the door when suddenly a knife came at him. Aakesh's reflexes were quick, so he grabbed the hand, and when he looked at the owner, he found it to be his father's impersonator.

"Tell me how to leave this place!" Aakesh ordered the two impersonators. There was an unbearable calm to his voice, chilling both the impersonators.


Instead of a response, a knife came and pierced Aakesh. If not for his quick reaction, it would have pierced his heart, killing him, but now, it missed his heart by a very small distance.

"After your death, it will automatically disappear," Aakesh said as he took the knife from the father's impersonator and slashed at his throat.

The knife wasn't that sharp to cut a head in one strike, but Aakesh's strength made it do it.

Aakesh didn't even flinch when the hot, wet blood touched his skin. He instead slightly turned around and looked at the mother's impersonator.

Before she could say anything, another slash came, and her world turned upside down.

The next moment, everything began to break down, and soon the world turned dark for Aakesh.


A sound rang in the area as Aakesh inhaled a deep breath, and his eyes opened.

"Konečno si buden!" A female voice rang in Aakesh's ears right away.

Aakesh neither recognized the language nor the face when he looked at the voice's owner. Instead, Aakesh looked pale when he saw a beast standing behind the unfamiliar girl.

"Znači, vie ste kandidatot za frlanje moneti."

The girl said as she looked at Aakesh with curiosity.

Aakesh couldn't care less about what the girl was saying as he was coming to terms with what he did in the illusion. He never expected to hurt anyone this much, let alone his family.

'Does that mean I have killed someone, and my first kill is my brother?' Aakesh's face grew pale when the thought appeared in his heart.

He couldn't help but grow crazy as he couldn't accept it.



Aakesh screamed, but suddenly he froze as his screaming alerted the beast behind the stranger girl, causing it to roar.


As it was going to be extremely difficult for Aakesh to accept that he had killed someone and that too his brother, he wore an ugly expression.

He knew that it wasn't his brother, and neither was that reality, but how should he make his heart accept it?

"Only Time can heal you of your trauma," The girl suddenly spoke. This time, it was a familiar language, so he could understand.

Aakesh looked at the girl since her words made sense. How could it be easy to get over the fact that you could kill someone for someone with a weak heart like Aakesh?


A/N: One more chapter left before the arc end. I promised to release 4 at once, but the office work overwhelmed me, and I wasn't able to write the 4th chapter. Till then, enjoy the three chapters, and be sure to comment about the way the story is going.

How many of you expected Veera to be Aakesh's first kill? Honest answers in the comments.

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