Chapter 59: The Great Bear Hunt(2)

Chapter 59: The Great Bear Hunt(2)

Aakesh's hands struggled as he saw the bear growing weaker, but he gritted his teeth and went ahead, crushing the brain the next moment.

[You have gained 250 XP!]


The Great Bear crashed to the ground as its eyes turned blank, while Aakesh fell to the opposite side, and his face had turned red from all the bear's blood.

Aakesh gasped for breath as he finally killed a beast from his hands. He couldn't help but look at his right hand, which had now turned red and gray from blood and brain matter.

If Aakesh could look at the mirror, he would see a smile forming on his face when he looked at his right hand.

If Aakesh wanted the reward, he needed to show the beast's head to the tribe leader, so Aakesh took out the sword from his bag and cut the bear's damaged head in a single strike.

Since Aakesh wouldn't hold the head in his hands, he stored it in one of the empty pockets in his inventory. He then focused on the cave.

The Great Bear was clearly an intelligent creature, or it would have never changed its direction mid-air, so Aakesh wanted to see if the bear had any items inside the cave.

Aakesh stepped forward and entered the cave. This time, he didn't care for the sound, so it didn't take long for him to reach the end of the cave.

Aakesh couldn't help but frown in anger when he saw a half-eaten man inside the cave. Aakesh was going to destroy the cave, but his hands stopped as he sensed something moving beneath the corpse.

The next moment, his expression grew shocked as he found it to be a newborn cub. Bear cubs were born deaf and blind, so it was immersed in its feeding.

Since the bear cub hadn't opened its eyes yet, Aakesh decided to take it out rather than kill it. As for the corpse, Aakesh could only pray for it to reincarnate in a better place.

Other than the cub, Aakesh didn't find anything, so he picked up the cub by the scruff of its neck and left the cave.

The cub immersed in its feeding session struggled and tried to escape, but its effects were futile.

Aakesh soon returned to the village with a cub in his hands. After a long struggle, the cub had grown tired, so it fell asleep in his hands.

The villagers were shocked to find Aakesh coming with the bear cub, so they made way for him, and soon, the leader appeared and welcomed him.


The leader's eyes were wide open in shock, as he still couldn't believe Aakesh succeeded in killing the Great Bear even after he saw its head.

"Sorry for underestimating you!" The leader apologized.

Aakesh didn't care and asked for his reward.

[You have gained 1000 XP!]

The next moment, a voice rang in his ears, and the leader also gave him two gold coins.


"Do you want to sell us the cub?" The leader suddenly asked after Aakesh was preparing to go out.

Aakesh stopped in his steps and looked at the leader. He had no intention of tending to the cub, as he wouldn't be able to since he had a lot of things to do in the upcoming months.

Aakesh had decided to sell the beast cub to another adventurer, but since the leader asked for it, he had no problem as long as he could provide a satisfying amount.

"Five gold coins," The leader said after seeing Aakesh stop and not leave.

Aakesh didn't speak but only looked at the leader.

"Six gold coins," The leader added, looking at Aakesh.

Aakesh's response was the same, and he only stared at the leader, frustrating the man.

"Seven gold coins," The leader gave another bid.




"NIne gold coins, this is my limit," The leader stated, gritting his teeth.

Aakesh still didn't respond and only looked at the leader silently.

"Ten gold coins. I can't go any further than this. If you don't want to sell it, then leave." The leader complained and gave his last bid.

A smile spread across Aakesh's face as he accepted the bid. He didn't know the actual price of the cub, so he used silent treatment with the leader. It always worked on people with lower strength than the user.

The leader felt he had suffered a loss, but when he held the cub in his hands, all disappointment disappeared, and a wide smile spread across his face.

Aakesh left after getting the sum of ten gold coins.


"Just you wait for me," Veera growled as he finally came out of the palace. His current condition looked no better than a beggar's as his clothes were torn everywhere, while his skin looked as if he hadn't taken bath for years.

The girl with the veil also appeared next to Veera. Her eyes were cold when she looked at him.

"Don't forget the deal," the girl coldly said and left.

She had only taken a step forward when she suddenly coughed up blood. A shocked expression appeared on her face as the world around her began to turn dark.

She turned around with a lot of struggle, only to see a cruelly grinning Veera.

The next moment, her world completely turned dark as she lost her last breath. Veera took his hands out, and it was a beating heart.

The beating rate was growing slowly as it was dying, and soon it turned into a dead heart.

"Bitch, did you think that I would let you go after that," Veera murmured, crushing the heart.

Veera didn't immediately leave the area, but he turned around and looked at the wall. His eyes contained a mixture of madness and fear as that man was inside the Fate Palace.

"Your day will come too," Veera muttered and left the area.

Around an hour after Veera left, the girl's corpse had a movement as her fingers moved. The crushed heart began to restore itself as if someone were rewinding time.


Unaware of what was happening, Aakesh returned to the ground and was in front of the receptionist.