Chapter 62: Pushing Deep!

Chapter 62: Pushing Deep!

The gang leader stood frozen in shock when he heard Aakesh. He looked at his wife, and when he saw his wife moving her eyes away, a wave of rage like never before passed through his body.

His eyes turned red, but then the world around him turned blank.

Aakesh didn't let that movement and punched the gang leader while activating the skill, Last Attempt.

The next moment, a warm yet destructive energy passed through Aakesh's veins, exploding it. Aakesh gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and punched the gang leader.

In front of a 200-unit-plus strength punch, the man's head exploded like a watermelon, spreading blood and brain matter on the floor.

[You have gained 500 XP!]

The kid and Ravesh fell unconscious immediately as they couldn't bear the scene. Aakesh knew he was in a dangerous situation, so he flicked the coin and knocked the woman out.

The next moment, Aakesh's hand exploded since he channeled all his strength into that punch. Aakesh couldn't help but scream in pain.

Aakesh could feel his HP dropping at an exaggerated rate, so he immediately took out an HP recovery potion from his inventory and poured all its content.

Aakesh felt some relief as his bleeding stopped, but there were still only bones visible in place of his hand, so Aakesh opened another bottle and poured its content.

In the end, Aakesh drank all the bottles, and the unbearable pain finally stopped. At that moment, thirty seconds passed.

The next moment, a wave of exhaustion hit Aakesh as his muscles had gotten torn from all the energy during the skill.

Hoping for the city guards to come early, Aakesh fell asleep. The next moment, he opened his eyes in the pool. It was a forced logout from the game, as Aakesh's body was in no condition to play.

There was a screen inside the device that showed the status of the character, and at that moment, there was a timer on the screen.




Aakesh understood that he had been forcefully logged out for more than two hours. Aakesh couldn't help but smile wryly, as death would have only made him lose 100 XP and no forced log out.

Sometimes, survival costs more than death. Since Aakesh couldn't do anything at this moment, he stopped thinking about it and instead decided to focus on the battle.

Even though Aakesh was inside a viscous blue liquid, he didn't feel uncomfortable. Aakesh still decided to leave the device as he was hours away from logging in.


Aakesh's complexion grew ashen as he calculated the number of individuals he had ended today. He gritted his teeth as a sensation of unease washed over him, overwhelming him with discomfort.

Before yesterday, Aakesh couldn't even bring himself to kill an animal, but now he's killed more than ten lives, the majority of them being humans.

When Aakesh remembered his last kill, his heart almost stopped. The gang leader had died a cruel death by having his head explode.

It took a while, but Aakesh calmed down, knowing that losing his composure over killings that were bound to grow in the future wouldn't yield a good result. Aakesh wasn't growing indifferent, but he pushed that uncomfortable feeling deep down in his heart, ignoring its consequences.

"I can't use the skill Last Attempt anymore," Aakesh mumbled. As his attributes grew, his strength would grow similarly when activating the skill. Today, his body somehow bore the brunt of such strength, but Aakesh wasn't confident that one day his body wouldn't explode.

Aakesh's eyes suddenly shone as he thought about the consequences of the skill. The reason he chose the class Coin Tosser was that it allowed him to unlock more than one class.

It was a different thing that, due to Astrid, he gained attributes and benefits that were only possible with top classes.

The skill, Last Attempt, was too good to ignore. At any time, it could change the face of the battle. Aakesh needed to find a class that would give him a large number of endurance units, increasing his ability to handle the influx of such strength at any time in his body.

Unfortunately for him, there was no such skill in the diary, so Aakesh set a new goal: search for one such class. It was not a rushed goal since before unlocking the second class, Aakesh needed to find the second Coin of Fate.

Aakesh was aware of the locations of two other coins, but they were very far from him, so Aakesh decided to place the goal of finding the class when he would have the coin in the future.

Time flew by, and when there was only one minute left before the timer came to zero, Aakesh undressed and unlocked the device.

[Welcome, player Ikshvaku!]

The familiar, gentle female voice rang in Aakesh's head, soothing his mind. He then stepped naked into the pool of blue liquid.

There were still a few seconds left before the timer came to zero, and the liquid didn't make Aakesh fall into a deep sleep.

Soon, the timer turned to zero, and Aakesh opened his eyes in the house.

In front of him lay the headless corpse of the man in a pool of red blood, with gray matter mixed in it, making the scene gory. Aakesh almost puked, but he controlled himself.

Aakesh then looked at his hands, but he suddenly sensed a movement.

Aakesh frowned in anger as he saw the gang leader's kid attacking Ravesh with a knife. The coin that was embedded in the wall appeared in his hands, and he flicked it.


The coin hit the knife, cracking it into pieces. Aakesh hurriedly stood up and grabbed Ravesh toward him before any shards hit him.

The gang leader's son grew pale in fright when he saw Aakesh wake up.

The boy had just woken up. Since everything started due to Ravesh, the boy decided to harm him, and then Aakesh, who was also lying unconscious on the ground.

Aakesh controlled his strength and hit the boy's neck, knocking him unconscious.

At that moment, Ravesh was also regaining consciousness, so Aakesh grabbed him and the boy on his shoulder and left the house.