Chapter 63: Address and Time!

Chapter 63: Address and Time!

Aakesh left the house with the two kids on his left and right shoulders. If it were reality, Aakesh would have sat down after walking for a few minutes, but since Aakesh had high attributes, he felt nothing even after walking for more than thirty minutes.

[You have gained 200 XP!]

Aakesh received the notification alert when he handed over Ravesh to the city hall. For the bonus reward, the city guards would need to check first.

Around five minutes later, Aakesh received another notification.

[You have gained 1000 XP!]

Not long after, the receptionist came to him and handed him the monetary reward for the quest.

Since the quest began, Aakesh had killed eleven people in total. For every head, he got fifty silver coins, and for eliminating the gang, he got a bonus reward of five gold coins, so this mission awarded him a total of ten gold and fifty silver coins.

(A/N: Eight in the godown, Pasit, the gang leader, and his wife. Aakesh left Jatin alive.)

Even in XP terms, Aakesh gained a lot, as more than three of those eleven deaths were above Level 10, giving fifty or more XP per those heads.

As for those below Level 10, there were none, so Aakesh hadn't made any negative kills yet.

Aakesh had gained more than two thousand XP, including the 1200 from the reward.

Aakesh felt uncomfortable taking money after killing people, but since it was his reward, he accepted it.

Aakesh now had a wealth of more than twenty gold coins, so Aakesh decided to splurge it and buy necessary things for himself.

The Purple City had an active population of thirty million, with hundreds of thousands of people entering and exiting the city daily for trade.

All the top merchant organizations of the Radison Kingdom had their stores here, and Aakesh currently stood in front of one such store.

Aakesh had emptied all his HP recovery potion to heal, so Aakesh needed to replenish that stock. In front of him stood a store with a continuous influx and outflow of people.

"What can I help you with, dear customer?"

After Aakesh entered the store, one of the salespeople came to him and respectfully asked.

"I need to buy some HP recovery potions," Aakesh smiled and answered.

The receptionist nodded and then introduced the types of potions to Aakesh.

Third-grade low HP recovery potion: It can recover up to 75 HP at once. It costs twenty silver coins. Adventurers below Level 50 can only take thirty of these in one day.

Second-grade low HP recovery potion: It can recover up to 250 HP at once. It costs fifty silver coins. Adventurers below Level 50 can only take ten of these in one day.

First-grade low HP recovery potion: It can recover up to 500 HP at once. It costs one gold coin. Adventurers below Level 50 can only take two of these in one day.

Third-grade medium HP recovery potion: It can recover up to 1000 HP at once. It costs five gold coins. Adventurers below Level 50 can only take it once a day. Prohibited for adventurers who do not have at least fifty endurance points.

Aakesh found the cost of the HP recovery potion to be more expensive here than in Wolf City, but at the same time, the effect had also grown.

In Wolf Town, the best second-grade low HP recovery potion sold by the store only recovered an HP of up to 150 units and cost twenty-five silver coins.

Aakesh wanted to complain about the prices, but the saleswoman, being as brilliant as she was, caught his expression and said with a sweet smile, "Dear customer, you won't get HP recovery potions cheaper than our store anywhere."

Aakesh was a newbie when it came to purchasing things, so that sweet talk won half his heart, and then the last knell was that Aakesh could check in other stores.

Aakesh made up his mind to buy the potions. Even though Aakesh had more than twenty gold coins, it didn't mean he would spend it on potions only.

After thinking for some time, Aakesh decided to buy one first-grade low HP recovery potion and eight second-grade potions. The saleswoman had a big smile on her face as she had made a satisfying commission on this sale.

The store she worked in only gave a fixed salary of four silver coins a month, which was nothing in a city, even in the backward areas of the city. But since the commission rate was better here than at other stores, many salespeople flocked to this store.

The store gave a commission of a fixed percentage depending on the amount. For the sale below one gold coin, the commission was three percent, equaling three silver coins. But for the sale of one gold coin and ten gold coins, the commission rate grew to five percent.

The saleswoman made a commission of twenty-five silver coins, which was worth eight months of her fixed salary, and also the commission alone would be enough for her to live without any budget restrictions for a month.

Her tone toward Aakesh turned even more respectful as she brought him to the sales counter and completed the sale. Since Aakesh made a purchase of five gold coins, the store offered him a free box.

Aakesh opened the box after leaving the store, only to find an additional piece of paper in it. Confused, he unfolded the page and found a restaurant's name, address, and time on it. And beneath the address and time was the print of lips.

Aakesh couldn't help but be dumbfounded by this, as he never expected to get asked out by a woman.

"I didn't expect me to get asked out for the first time in a game world," Aakesh couldn't help but joke and put the paper back in the box.

Aakesh then placed the potions in his inventory and threw the box in the nearby dustbin.

Aakesh decided to ignore the girl, as he didn't have time to spend on it. The saleswoman was beautiful, but Aakesh knew that him making this large sale was the reason behind the paper. And Aakesh already had a meeting with a girl planned in reality.

Aakesh didn't leave the market after buying the potions, as he stopped at another store not far from the potions store.