Second disciple

Currently Mu Chen and Luo Xi were looking at Ming Yue who was shouting at them looking and pointing in the wrong direction

Mu Chen smiled and said "Calm down kid, I'm Mu Chen, the peak master of Sleeping Dragon Peak of Heavenly Jade Sect,

I want to take you as my disciple!"

As Mu Chen said that there was absolute silence for a few seconds in the air,

Hearing Mu Chen, Ming Yue made a confused face and suddenly a realisation hit him

"Are you really Elder Mu Chen from the Heavenly Jade Sect, the one who annihilated the second strongest sect alone?"

Mu Chen nodded and replied "Indeed I'm"

Ming Yue hearing this got confused and said "But why do you want to take me as a disciple who has no cultivation and blind too..."

There was a look of grief on his face as he says those words, but an unexpected reply came from Mu Chen's mouth

"You could say it's just a whim and I like your kid, you are talented!"

Ming Yue had a shocked face as he heard Mu Chen and he replied with a smile with a nervous face

"I was already going to suicide this evening, I lost my mother, lost my reputation cause of weird rumours made by enemies,

The only thing I was proud of was my talent but I lost a duel to do called trash of City, lost my cultivation and eyes

My fiance also left me for that trash and now even my family threw me away, I have nothing to lose on this world now

I, Ming Yue accept Elder Mu Chen as my lifelong one and only master! Please give me guidance!!!"

[Congratulations! Host for gaining your second disciple!!!!]

[Here are the rewards!!!

_Saint grade Spiritual root 'Mirage heart'!

_Saint Grade Cultivation Technique 'Heavenly Ghost Incarnate'

_Transcendent grade Sword Technique '72 fog strikes'!

_Transcendent grade Sword 'Bhrama'!

_Transcendent grade mind cultivation technique 'Sense of Blind Sword'!

_Transcendent grade footwork technique 'Cloud walk'!]

'Well that was unexpectedly easy, I thought I would have to fight whole clan to obtain his trust...'

[You can give credit to your charisma of 'True Immortal God', your aura made it possible for a person like him who is at his lowest point of life with zero mental defence to easily trust you,

Well practically he's betting on you as his last hope of survival in this world and he's on the verge of going crazy!]

Mu Chen smiled in understanding and said "Well let's start with restoring your Cultivation and repairing injuries first!"

Mu Chen picked him by catching his hands and flew back to the 'Green Valley Sect'

'Damn I'm losing my free vacation today, sigh, I will be sure to enjoy myself tomorrow!!!'

"I'm sorry Luo Xi! We will return to the city tomorrow okay? For now you can go enjoy yourself with other kids, they are playing outside!"

As Mu Chen returned to Green Valley Sect', he locked himself in a room with Ming Yue and apologised to Luo Xi who was standing there with puffed face

"Yo-you don't have to trouble yourself because of me! You can go and enjoy it, I can wait till you are satisfied..."

Suddenly Ming Yue also opened his mouth, Luo xi looked towards him and suddenly her bad mood disappeared and she replied with a guilty face

"I-I am not angry! I will go outside and play, master you can focus on healing that person but be sure to go to City with me again!!!"

With that Luo xi ran outside of the room and now there was only Mu Chen and Ming Yue left in room

"Sit in a lotus position and from now on all things that will happen, keep them as a secret asking us!"


Ming Yue sat at Lotus position and Mu Chen gave him a pill and said "Take this pill and start absorbing it, you only lost your cultivation and injured your meridians, this pill will heal your injuries and awaken your Spiritual root!"

'Awaken my spiritual root? I have never heard about such a thing!'

Ming Yue was still doubtful but he still followed Mu Chen's command and swallowed their pill cause deep down there was something that was telling him to trust Mu Chen

After that Mu Chen commanded the system 'System install that Saint grade Spiritual root inside him!!!'


Next moment the spiritual root inside Ming Yue which looked like a shattered branch of a tree started healing itself

But it didn't stop just there, it started to grow and just in a matter of seconds a Saint grade Spiritual Root appeared inside him

Ming Yue's all meridians started healing themselves in extremely fast speed and in just one hour he had healed all of his internal and external injuries and his physique had also become considerably stronger

But Ming Yue was still not able to recover his eyes and was still blind

[Looks like too much time has passed for him to recover his eyes, all the energy from his eyes has disappeared!]

Mu Chen made a sad face but the next moment he said in a bright voice "And now try collecting energy with cultivation technique I imprinted on you!"

Ming Yue followed Mu Chen's command and next moment a storm of Spiritual Energy rushed inside his body and Mu Chen also placed 7 high grade Spiritual stones around him

[Congratulations! Your disciple Ming Yue breakthrough to Martial Apprentice stage 1]

"Don't try to breakthrough just yet, focus on collecting more energy inside this state, try to reach the peak state of cultivation!"

Mu Chen commanded and Ming Yue followed his orders and in few moments he also recognised an hidden state, and he kept following this process and then

[Congratulations! Your disciple Ming Yue breakthrough to Martial Apprentice stage 4]

[Congratulations! Your disciple Ming Yue breakthrough to Martial Apprentice stage 7]

After 9 hours Ming Yue made 7 breakthroughs and absorbed all the spiritual energy inside the Spiritual stones

'I can cultivate, and at such a fast speed, I'm afraid the world will call me incarnation of God if they saw this...

And all this is cause of!?'

There was no end to Ming Yue's shock seeing his monstrous cultivation speed but Mu Chen noticed the spiritual stones lost all the energy

"This much isn't enough! Not enought! I will use all those pills right away!!!"

Mu Chen took out various bottles of pills from his storage and suddenly stuffed them inside Ming Yue's mouth

"Absorb them before they lose effects and upon reaching stage 9 find the hidden 10th stage of Martial Apprentice level and breakthrough after you achieved that!!!"

Ming Yue was still shocked by Mu Chen's unexpected action but still followed his instruction and started absorbing all the pills inside his body

'Absorbing all these pills will take some time ..., let's take a look at Luo Xi...'

With those thoughts Mu Chen exited the mansion and after sensing Luo Xi's presence he made his way towards her

"Oh my God! That's the new disciple from Violent wind sect right?!"

"I can't believe a freshman is this strong!!"

"He's a prodigy! He's too strong!!"


"He got amazing skills for a freshman!"

Mu Chen spotted many disciples of different sects discussing things about some guy below a duel stage

'What the heck is going on? Where's Luo Xi?'

Mu Chen thought while he looked around in the crowd trying to find Luo Xi, suddenly Mu Chen spotted Qin Kai in the crowd with other disciples of Heavenly Jade Sect

'Those guys are here then where's Luo Xi...?'

"... But more than that, how's that little girl so strong? Her techniques are absolutely smooth and precise..."

Suddenly Qin Kai uttered some words, those words managed to catch the attention of many people in the surroundings, even Mu Chen was able to hear those words

'Which kid are they talking about? Is she also as good as Luo!!!??!!...'

"Luo Xi!?"

Mu Chen suddenly shouted in panic as he saw a little girl with silver hairs and a blue handled sword fighting against a guy in brown hairs like an expert

'I told that fucking idiot to not cause trouble and attract unwanted attention!!! How the fuck did she managed to pick a fight in this random fucking place!?

She literally just arrived here a day ago!!!'

[Fufu, that's the qualities of a good anti hero, she managed to find a protagonist among millions of people in just a day!]


[Yeah that brown haired bastard! That's the guy named Liu Te, the one who destroyed the life of Ming Yue]

Mu Chen looked downwards and saw the brown haired young man fighting against her

[Charismatic aura checked!

Handsome guy checked!

Unreasonably strong checked!

Suspiciously strong techniques checked!

Conclusion _ 100% Protagonist who's seeking blood]