First Protagonist Spotted (1)

Mu Chen observed the situation with serious gaze but later sighed on his own heart and thought

'But these things aside I don't think I will be able to intervene in this duel, those old folks are here too... they want to use this duel as an excuse to test my strength...'

Mu Chen spotted various Martial Grandmasters in the crowd and some of them hiding in shadow

With a sigh, Mu Chen landed on the roof of a nearby building and started observing duel, waiting for right time to intervene

Cause if he intervened in fight they will declare, Heavenly Jade Sect as weak and Mu Chen's strength to be fake and label this accident as 'Mu Chen covering up for his disciple's weakness'

And drag the reputation of whole Heavenly Jade Sect into it and challange Mu Chen for a duel and will drag whole sect into this fight saying it's matter of their reputation

'So unreasonable, it's good that Sect Master of Green Valley Sect' already warned me about such things

But I swear if that idiot revealed her true strength in front of this crowd, I will definately show what hell feels like!!!'

Flames of anger and frustration were visible in Mu Chen's eyes as he glared at duel platform

"How long do you think you can defend little girl? You dare challange me like this! I will prove it! Your master is nothing but a fake expert!!!"

The brown haired guy, Liu Te shouted while swinging his blade towards Luo Xi, while Luo Xi just kept deflecting who his sword moves with dissatisfied and bored face

'Ha~ why does he talk so much, if master got news of this accident, I'm sure I won't be getting food for today and tomorrow's trip will also be cancelled!'

The guy was mocking Luo Xi but Luo Xi was busy thinking about other matters of the future

"Hahaha!!!! Did cat got your tongue? You were taking so much a while ago! Since I'm so kind I will end this duel right away! And remeber this your master is a trash! I will be coming for him next time!!!"

Suddenly the Liu Te shouted and started preparing for his left sword move, putting lot of strength into it

But those last words successfully managed to break Luo xi's patience she was having with Liu Te

"Now you have done it!!! You successfully managed to truly anger me!"

Luo Xi suddenly exploded a part of her true strength, with aura she was emitting right now, other guessed it to be around level of stage 3 Martial Master

Her blue headed Sword was covered in blue light and faint aura of Sword, the atmosphere suddenly became cold and she rushed towards Liu Te with intention to gravely harm him


'I thought she was just a kid!!! She's a Martial Master, I will die if that attack his me!!! Old Turtle please help!!!!'

Next moment Liu Te changed his posture of attacking to defense and a green light glowed from the eyes of a green turtle shape ring in his left hand

{I don't think, that will need necessary}

The voice came from that turtle to Liu Te's mind directly and next moment a figure appeared from thin air and blocked Luo xi's sword with his fingure and thumb

"You better be prepared for punishment..."

"Ma-master!? It's not what it looks like!!! I-I I wasn't going for!!??"

They mysterious figure was Mu Chen, Luo Xi was trying to give some explaination but Mu Chen had already picked her up in the air with his spiritual energy and surrounded her whole body with soundproof bubble

After that Mu Chen looked towards the Liu Te who was seen fallen to the ground in pretty pathetic state

'How is this fool a protagonist!'

[Well he's at beginner stage, how do you expect him to react after facing high leveled boss just after exiting from newbie village]

'Hmm does it work like that too? Well since we are already at this point let me rub some salt into his wound,

I have learned from decades of my otaku research, the reason from Protagonist's downfall is his hurt ego!'

"I can't belive you picked a fight with a little girl who isn't even old enough to properly carry a sword and even lost after that...

Don't pick a fight you can't handle..."

Mu Chen said in very cold tone and icy sharp eyes and glared at Liu Te, Mu Chen also emitted a little killing intent with his words

And next moment he disappeared into thin air, Liu Te who was already fallen to ground lost his conciosness as soon as Mu Chen left

Mu Chen directly arrived to his building where he was staying at Green Valley Sect

"Now give me full detailed report before your punishment"

Mu Chen stood in front of Luo Xi glaring Daggers at her in an empty hallway

"I-it wasn't completely my fault master, I was just playing with other disciples as you instructed but they came mocking our sect and that green haired dirt bastard made fun of you calling you fake

That's why I challenged him! I-I didn't wanted to have the duel! Those guys forced me!!!"

'Let be guess that 'Violent Wind Sect'is the sect of that protagonist, and that protagonist couldn't handled me being strong so he mocked others for that

And Luo Xi who had biggest trait of being arrogant couldn't handle a guy being arrogant in front of her and picked a fight'

[Right in money!]

"Sigh~ try to be careful next time, go and sleep, I'm sure we got more things to handle from tomorrow"

With that Luo Xi left and Mu Chen opened the room where Ming Yue was cultivating and observed the process

[Congratulations! Your disciple Ming Yue breakthrough to Martial Apprentice stage 9]

[Congratulations! Your disciple Ming Yue breakthrough to Martial Apprentice hidden stage 10]

[Congratulations! Your disciple Ming Yue breakthrough to Martial Master stage 4]

[Congratulations! Your disciple Ming Yue breakthrough to Martial Master stage 6]

[Congratulations! Your disciple Ming Yue breakthrough to Martial Master stage 8]

And finally after another 8 hours and by next morning Ming Yue finally achieved Martial Master cultivation

Ming Yue previously had only acheived Martial Master stage 5 in his life by cultivating for years

But now in just now in matter of 17-18 hours he became Martial Master of 8th stage with perfected state in all levels

'Luo Xi had also reached perfected state in her all cultivation levels too, and she had also learned various techniques, I should also give this guy some techniques too

... But I don't think he's in condition to do anything right now...'


Mu Chen saw Ming Yue losing his conciosness and falling to ground exhausted due to the process

Mu Chen picked him up with his energy and put him in the bed he took out from his storage and left the room

{I already warned you before that kid was strong, you don't listen to me, now it's karma for not listening to your teacher}

'Aghhh!!! I know! I know! Stop shouting all the time! Let me heal my condition first!!!'

Currently Liu Te was circulating his energy inside his body trying to remove the foreign cold energy that entered his body because of Luo xi's last move

{She wasn't able land her attack on you, yet you are suffering like this! Imagine if that attack did landed on you...}

As the old turtle ring said this to Liu Te a shiver ran down his spine thinking about his dark and possibly dead future

'She was definitely strong but I still can't belive that Mu Chen guy was truly strong like the rumours, I still can't accept it like this!!!

He must have used some tricks! Yeah! That's right! My gut feeling is never wrong! That guy is the problem!!! I can't accept him as strongest! Only I! Liu Te am the true ruler of the world!!!'

Liu Te committed to himself and showed a fanatic expression, not accepting the reality of world

'but why is this guy so against that Mu Chen when he hasn't even met him before, even at that time when he saw that little girl

He suddenly became unreasonably angry and accepted her duel even after the warning like an fool, is this what they call ...

Destined enemies...'

The turtle ring guessed this one thing right, the Heroes and Villains are destined by the will of existence to fight each other

Both can't live under the same sky happily, they will find the tiniest reason for their fight and story ends with victory of hero, no matter his unreasonable he may be

But that's what usually supposed to happen now in this battle if hero and villain a last boss like side character name Mu Chen suddenly popped out, out of nowhere