Secret Realm (2)

"Elder Mu your gift was very helpful to my disciples! Many who were stuck at their Cultivation for years made a huge progress access broke through smoothly, even my Cultivation had been greatly busted, the sword intent you lef.... Bla... bla... bla..."

Mu Chen just sat silently listening to Yang Liwei's tale of gratitude while thinking

'I'm sure I'm not villain with psycho mindset but why does he feels so irritating even while praising me?'

[I assure you this being is capable of irritating all beings present in this world with ease! He's the non stop chatterbox that can't be stopped by normal means]

Mu Chen heard the system and looked around him, everyone looked tired of shit sprouting from Yang Liwei's mouth

'It's a miracle such being is still alive in a world where people can die because they don't think the same way...'

[Kinda agreeable]

As this shit was going on here inside Secret Realm all of the disciples from Heavenly Jade Sect were moving together searching for treasures

While Liu Te like other Protagonists had rushed alone

Luo Xi and Ming Yue along with others arrived near a small water stream inside a forest area

Qin Kai looked around the place and started giving instructions

"Brother Ming we will separate in the radius of 1km from here on, communication artifacts don't work here, so if anything happens everyone will gather here again!

Everyone if you spotted anyone from other sects besides Green Valley Sect and Plum Blossom Sword Sect immediately group up with other disciples of our sect or hide

The secret realm isn't a place to run around freely, treasures that are founded will be the finder's keeping and other things will be decided based on contribution...

Let's separate!!!"


And like that all disciples rushed in different directions Ming Yue rushed towards South Direction while Luo Xi was on her way to South-Western direction

The secret realm was filled with treasures as if precious tier 2-3 herbs were just weeds on side roads

Everyone managed to find some good herbs and spiritual ingredients, until suddenly one of the inner disciples spotted Liu Te in distance

"Hahaha what a good find! It's really '3 Sun Spark herb!' I can make breakthroughs with this!"

Liu Te laughed as he took a small herb in hand, it was radiating Spiritual energy around it as sun rays touched it

{What a luck to find peak Tier 4 herbs from the start, but if it's here I'm sure there will be many of these kinds let's find the place!}

Liu Te nodded and started looking around the place, while on the other hand the disciple from Heavenly Jade Sect managed to recognise him

'That bastard isn't Liu Te!? I have to quickly inform others!'

The disciple just started getting back but suddenly next moment

"Where do you think you are going ant! Haha no one is stopping me today!!!"

Liu Te arrived behind his back and with just one strike of his sword he took the life of that disciple

"Heh! He thinks he can hide from me like that! Fucking idiot!"

{Brat! You have killed one of them, they will definitely come to find the killer, quickly find a hiding place, you can't defeat all of them right now!}


Liu Te clicked his tongue and rushed in a different direction

Two days have passed since then and today finally all disciples of Heavenly Jade Sect gathered again besides the small water stream

"Hahaha senior I managed to find a lot of treasures this time, there are about 7 Tier 3 herbs on me! I even found some good Demon Commander level beasts haha!"

Chu Mu was very happy with his findings and showed them with a proud face, so of them smiled then suddenly Qin Kai also raised his hands

"Look at this idiot! That's 'Star seeing Eye flower' at tier 4 stage! Isn't it the best hahaha!"

"Wow! Senior Qin! They really managed to find good treasure this time! Even the elders want that!"

"Haha congratulations!"

"Great starting!"

Everyone congratulated Qin Kai with happy faces suddenly one of the core disciples looked towards Ming Yue and Luo Xi in the corner and asked with excitement

"Did brother Ming and sister Luo also find some good treasures!?"

All attention turned towards Ming Yue and Luo Xi, Luo Xi grinned and took out huge carcasses of a dark blue python with red stripes

It was covered with slight frost clearly killed by Luo Xi

"Hehehe I managed to find this Demon Grandmastert stage '7 Poison Python' sleeping besides the water, it was a really lucky battle!"

"Wooooaah! Wtf it's really Demon Grandmaster!"

"Too powerful!"

"Looks like water helped too!"

"That's so smooth!"

"It looks like a strong monster..."

Just as others started praising Luo Xi, Ming Yue also took out a corpse of Giant Gorilla with three red stripes on his cheeks and blades on his wrists

"I wasn't that lucky, I just managed to find this Demon Grandmaster beginner stage 'Slaughter Bladed Ape', only his leather and blades are useful and the rest is useless!"

"Fuck I heard they are stronger than your average monsters!"

"How did you do that!"

"That's so over powered!"

"Now I feel all my treasures are trash..."

"So jealous.."

The faces of disciples started to fall but then suddenly Lian hua pointed out something different

"But where's brother Chen Kun!? When we came here there were 33 of us now it's only 32! Where is he?"

The others also started to look around him but no one managed to even spot him

Chu Mu thought of something and said "He left in the North -east side shouldn't be the first one to come here..."

As soon he said that one of the core disciples came to realize "I remember when we all came here only that guy Liu Te from Violent Wind Sect went in that direction! Did he..."

He stopped his last words trying to avoid the worst possibility, all of the disciples came to realisation

Ming Yue was the most shocked and angry one and he immediately rushed in that direction

"Let's go take a look!"

Qin Kai also studied the situation and rushed towards that direction along with other disciples

After running for a few minutes ago they separated towards different places to search for the missing disciple...

And after an hour of research they finally managed to find him

"That bastard! He killed him for no reason!"



"Motherfu*ker! Son of the beach!"

Qin Kai and others were obviously very angry, Chu Mu and Lian hua were one of the sad peoples

But aside from them Ming Yue and Luo Xi were showing cheer's murderous intent as they sensed Liu Te's aura in the surroundings...

"That Liu Te bastard is still running wild..."

Ming Yue gritted his teeth and looked around the place, spreading his senses to search the place

After a few minutes he managed to find one place and said "Brothers I think I know the place he will be coming at... Let's go hide there and wait for that bastard"

The others were still enraged after losing one of them and all nodded

After moving around for a few minutes all of them arrived in front of a huge straight hill, Ming Yue and Luo Xi directly floated to the top

The other disciples also managed to reach the stop with their superhuman reflexes and agility

"Holy shit..."

"It's filled with treasures..."

"How is this still here, did no one who managed to find this place..."

"There are so many '4 leaf Water Lilies'..."

"That's an absurd amount..."

Everyone was amazed as they noticed the whole field in an area of 50 m² filled with Tier 4 herbs like grass in an open field on the other side of a cliff