Secret Realm (3)

Ming Yue looked around and said "Let's hide in the forest till he arrives..."

Everyone nodded and all of them hid in the forest trees and stones besides the field, and after 8 hours almost in the evening Liu Te arrived after crossing the cliff

Liu Te landed on some distance across the field and after making sure no one was near him he started laughing in a totally carefree manner

"Haha I bet those bastards would still be searching for m-!!?!"

But just as he finished his words suddenly he sensed something on the left side, he immediately jumped and dodged


Just as he moved from the place next moment he saw Qin Kai striking on ground with his sword

'That was a close one...'

Liu Te gulped as thought that, Qin Kai looked at him with killing intent and once again rushed at him

"You bastard dared to kill our disciples!"

'Golden Lion Roar Strike!'

Qin Kai's Sword shined in golden light as he made his move towards Liu Te but opposite to his expectations Liu Te started grinning

"I don't know how you managed to find this place but how dare you think you can defeat me!"

'Dragon Elephant Sword Rage!'

Liu Te suddenly got a phantom of Dragon Elephant on his back and he easily countered Win Kai's attack without getting effected


Qin Kai fell on the ground in some distance and looked towards Liu Te with shock and panic

"How did you do that!? How can a mere Martial Master...!"

Liu Te seeing this started grinning and released his aura as stage 3 Martial Grandmaster

"Hahaha now that it has come to this there is no point keeping it secret but I bet none of you will be leaving!"

Seeing his provocation faces of disciples of Heavenly Jade Sect became angry, Chu Mu couldn't stop his rage and tried to rush towards him

"Bastard! I will show yo-!?"

Luo Xi stopped him with her covered Sword and shook her head, Chu Mu seeing this became shocked and said

"Even if I die today I will get revenge why are you stopping me Sister Luo Xi!?"

Luo Xi glanced towards Chu Mu and pointed towards Ming Yue behind her with her left hand

Chu Mu moved his gaze towards Ming Yue and shivers and current ran down his spine

Ming Yue was completely covered in dense mist, his presence was also considerably lower only insane amount of rage coming from his body made it possible for someone like Chu Mu to notice him

Liu Te was still unable to sense this because of Ming Yue's high cultivation and advanced techniques with unique spiritual root

Liu Te walked towards Qin Kai and other disciples from Heavenly Jade Sect with strong pressure radiating from his body and said

"Do you think mere bastards who only know to bully the weak can stop me!? Where is that Ming Yue bastard! Being him ou-!??"

Just as he was talking suddenly Ming Yue totally covered in dense mist looking like personification of mist came near him in insane speed and

'Blurred Vapourised Fist!'

Gave Liu Te a clear punch right on face, although Liu Te had sensed his presence he was still too late for defense

Liu Te was sent flying towards another side of forest, Ming Yue also didn't just stand there and followed Liu Te in the forest

"What are you waiting for let's help brother Ming Yue inside...!"

Qin Kai rushed towards the forest but then again Luo Xi stopped them

"Stop ...

Brother Qin Kai let's just wait here before leaving master had instructed 'Don't even think of helping Ming Yue if he fought with Liu Te guy from Violent Wind Sect'

Let's just wait here..."

Qin Kai was bewildered by why Mu Chen said those words and immediately replied "But it's not the situation! You saw how strong he was, maybe brother Ming will need our help!"

Hearing this Luo Xi suddenly smirked and said "Don't think that just cause Brother Ming Yue acts kind and considerate with us, he's weak and pushover

And especially when he's inside the forest, he's like 'Sword Ghost' inside the forest..."

"Kuaah! You bastard!!!"

Just as Luo Xi finished her words another scream of Liu Te came from inside the forest

"Looks like your worries are useless Senior Qin Kai..."

Lian hua said as she looked towards the forest while inside the forest

'18 Ashen Jade Sword Strikes'

Ming Yue's Sword was moving non stop continuously striking towards Liu Te but Liu Te was still defending splendidly but still some strikes managed you reach him

'How is he still able to over power me like this!? Isn't he the only beginner stage Martial Grandmaster!?'

{I don't think the information was right! He's too strong to be just a Martial Grandmaster...}

Liu Te was covered in various wounds but Ming Yue wasn't even showing any signs of tiredness as the strikes kept growing stronger

'Looks like I have to show some trump cards!'

'7 Dragon Sword Rise'

As Liu Te thought that his sword started moving in quick speed his defence turned into offence

What his both eyes shining in Golden light he rushed at Ming Yue with his full strength

This strike of sword carried the strength of someone at stage 8 Martial Grandmaster, if it was someone ordinary he would have surely died today but for Ming Yue who was already a King

"Are you toying with me?"

Ming Yue's words came out in an extremely enraged tone as he stopped Liu Te's Sword strike easily as if it was just waving of child

Liu Te immediately retreated dozens of steps back sensing extreme danger on his life

From distance Ming Yue looked like just a dense mist with no presence whatsoever only bloodlust coming from him made it possible for Liu Te to sense him

'What kind of monster is this bastard! Fucking hell!'

{It's my first time seeing this too but he's strong...}

'He's like a mist... Wait Mist! If I used flame then! Got it!'

Liu Te cursed in heart and rushed at Ming Yue again but this time his sword was radiating hot air around it and temperature also became considerably hotter

Seeing this Ming Yue didn't panic and took it head on, Liu Te smirked and shouted

"You idiot! You think mist can win against my flames hahahaha!"

Ming Yue was still calm and as both swords collided a huge eruption took place but opposite to Liu Te's expectations Ming Yue was still completely unharmed but instead he himself was thrown dozens of meters away

'What just happened?...'

{I don't think it's time to be thinking that!!! Prepare for defense!!}

As the ring warned him next moment Ming Yue arrived in front him with his sword as if he was the ghost

'Wha---I couldn't even sense-!?'


Ming Yue's strike once again sent Liu Te flying inside the forest! But before Liu Te could even set his mind properly another strike came from Ming Yue's leg

'Rotating Rise of Moon Wave!'

Liu Te was once again sent flying and the process keeps repeating itself Ming Yue attacked Liu Te every time

He appeared from behind the trees like Ghost and before Liu Te could even sense his presence Ming Yue had already attacked him

'In what sense is that bastard blind!!! Fucker is he faking it! And what the fuck is with his speed! Geezer you got some plans!?'

{There is no plan he's too strong to quickly take out that pill if it goes like this you won't be able to live alive today!}

"Kuaaahhh! Fuck! You made me do this you blind bastard now die!"

Liu Te took out a red pill and swallowed it in one go, suddenly his aura became much stronger and for a few minutes he became state 9 peak Martial Grandmaster

His sword was fully covered in strong sword aura and he attacked Ming Yue with bloodlust in his eyes

'32 Dragon Transformation From!'

A dominant aura was visible on his sword and face of raging azure dragon was visible on the back of Liu Te

"You weak shit! Dare!!!"

'Water Serene Rise!'

Ming Yue also shouted and next moment his sword aura had some water mixed into it, both Swords collided

And without any resistance Liu Te got pushed far away as he crashed in dozens of trees before falling in ground and coughing blood

'What the fuck! Even after taking such a precious pill! How is that even possible!?'