Fallen Prince (2)

The Dragon Lord Empire, a new Empire that had risen in power just 2000 years ago rumoured to have blood of ancient dragons that once lived in this world

The Empire was recognised as one of best ones throughout the continent, no matter if it was in terms of military power, quality and quantity of experts or stability

The Dragon Lord Empire rose to power at an incredible pace suppressing all other major powers in a short time but as they say the faster anything is built, the faster it falls...

"Kill that lunatic emperor!!!"

"Kill the tyrant!!!"

"Don't worry! We have the lord 'Zhao Fan' with us!"

"Kill the imperials!!!"

In the imperial palace various rebellious forces were seen rushing directly inside led by a young man with black hairs and eyes who was cutting the imperial soldiers like vegetables

"Courting Death!!!"

This young man with heavenly talent was Zhao Fan, in a matter of seconds he directly arrived inside the imperial palace with a bunch of rebels but all of them stopped in their ways as they noticed the Emperor himself standing in front along with many of his men

"You dare invade my palace Zhao Fan, I think I should have just killed you earlier rather than letting you off easily in the past..."

The Emperor said that and showed his incredible Martial Emperor Realm aura that sent shivers down the spines of all rebels

"You should have thought about that in the past, but now it's time for you to pay for messing with me in the past..."

Zhao Fan stepped forward alone without freezing up but just sheer confidence in his face but just then he noticed the first prince rushing towards him with sword

"You bastard! Who do you think you are you talk to the Emperor like this!!!"

*7 Dragon Sword Rush*

The sword of that prince held incredible force and agility but Zhao Fan just grinned as that sword approached him and in a flash he slashed through the sword and the throat of the prince with just a simple swing of sword

"You are talking too much for a loser..."

Zhao Fan commented while swinging his blade covered in blood of the first prince, on other hand the Emperor's face was filled with deep surprise

"Stage 8 Martial Venerable! How!?"

Zhao Fan grinned and directly rushed forward with his sword that was just unnaturally strong strength and shrouded with smooth sword aura and shouted

"Go ask Yama in hell!!!"

With that both swords clashed sending shockwaves throughout the place and crushing whole ground beneath them while inside the imperial palace the rebels were raging massacre

"Hahahaha! Kill these bastards!"

"Don't leave anyone from the imperial family alive!"

"Kill them all!!!"

"Wahahahahaha! The Empire is now of our Lu Clan!!!!"

These rebels were supposed to be fighting against evil but it was clear that each one of them were fighting for their own personal benefits unlike their image

With faces worse than devil each one of them slaughtered anyone they came across, no matter if it was servant, maid or any ordinary official, each one of them died under the swords of these rebels

They kept this manslaughter until they arrived at the most guarded place surrounded by hundreds of imperial soldiers

"This must be where those imperial bastards are hiding!!!"

"Kill them all!"

"For sake of justice!!!"

"It's heaven's will for you all to die!"

The rebels directly clashed with all guards, the guards were all elite and strong but numbers of rebels was just too great for any resistance and in a matter of few minutes rebels claimed victory and stepping over the corpses of dead guard one of the rebels covered in blood kicked open the door

"Hahahaha!!!! For the sake of justice! Just die!!!"

With fanatic crazy eyes he said those words to the Empress who was standing there with sword in her hands and two princesses hiding behind her

"Fuck off! Don't even think of coming here!!!"

The rebel's head was cut off the second the moment he stepped inside the room by the second prince and he looked at faces of remaining rebels with deep hatred

"Kekekekeke! He is still alive hahaha!"

"He is quite strong too!"

"A Martial King at this age! Indeed talented!"

"But what's the use you all will die!!!"

The rebels once again rushed over while the second prince gritted his teeth and shouted

"None will be spared alive!!!!"

*9 Dragon Scale Blade!!!!*

The seconds turned into minutes and now the second prince was standing alone in the whole hallway filled with corpses of the rebels with sword in his hands with extremely exhausted face


"Are you okay!?"

"Ha... Ha... We are alive... We survi-!?"

The second prince was immediately hugged by his both sisters and just as they were taking breath of little relief suddenly a cold killing intent hit him

"Ha!? Are you still alive?"

"Lu!? Lu Clan Patriarch!?!"

The imperial family noticed a sturdy man in noble clothing coming towards them with killing intent without making another sound and the Empress suddenly shouted

"Why are you rebelling!? At least let the kids alive!!!"

Lu Patriarch continued on his way until he arrived right in front of them and replied with devil like grin

"Not a single blood of evil can be spared... All of you should die... For the sake of justice..."

"I won't let yo-!!! Kughh!!!"

The second prince stepped forward to protect his family but he was sent flying to a corner with a fist smashing over his face

"Shut up you dirty imperial blood!"

Lu Patriarch said that with wide grin, the Empress saw that and couldn't keep her emotions in check anymore and immediately rushed at him

"How dare you touch my child!!!"

Lu Patriarch saw that and his grin widened as next moment his fist got surrounded in extreme heat and he released that fist directly over the Empress

*Flame Tiger Tornado!!!*


The fist covered in flames passed right through the Empress and the tears of blood filled with deep sadness and rage came out of the Empress's body as next moment her corpse turned cold


The second prince barely stood up with almost no strength in his body and eyes filled with uncontrollable tears and next moment his gaze went towards the two more corpses of his both sister that slowly fell to ground with heads blown off because of the impact of that fist

"Oh! They died too huh, what a shame..."

Those were the words that came out of Lu patriarch, second prince heard that and chaos of emotions erupted inside him and he immediately dashed at Lu patriarch with his sword

"Die you murderer!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He was just in his way right now but suddenly a kick smashed right on top of his head completely tearing his skin from his head up to his left side chin

The second prince was thrown out so forcefully that he passed through dozens of walls until he lost his consciousness more than 50 meters away from the imperial palace

"Lu Patriarch! You should be careful next time..."

Zhao Fan smoothly landed besides Lu patriarch with calm smile after kicking second prince, Lu patriarch also nodded with smile

"Hahaha! You are right, my age is taking over me..."

"You should be careful then!!!"

Both Zhao Fan and Lu patriarch started laughing while far in woods the body of the second prince had already disappeared without a trace



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
