Fallen Prince (3)

"Lu Patriarch! You should be careful next time..."

"Hahaha! You are right, my age is taking over me..."

"You should be careful then!!!"

Both Zhao Fan and Lu patriarch started laughing while far in woods the body of the second prince had already disappeared without a trace

The rebels immediately gathered over the place where second prince was sent flying by Zhao Fan but there was no trace of him present there

"Patriarch Lu!!! The second prince has gone missing!!!"

As one of rebel reported that the face of Lu patriarch turned ugly and he immediately commanded his men

"Inform Shadow Hound Squad to search for him! We just can't let that bastard escape like this!"

Other nodded and immediately dispersed while deep inside woods in middle of the forest the same second prince stopped and started coughing blood because of intensive bleeding from head and inner organ failures

"Cough! Cough! Damn Lu Clan... What kind of justice are they upholding, killing a mother and sisters in front the family isn't a justifiable act in any world or country...

Those bastards... Hicc! They killed my whole family for their own benefits... It isn't justice! Fuck! Father.. Mother... Brother... I couldn't do anything to save you... Even my sisters!!! I... I ran away like a coward..."

His eyes have started loose light in them and he fell over the ground besides a tree and started looking towards the moon that had taken over the skies by now

'Cough! I don't want to die just now... I want to kill that Zhao Fan! It was all because of him! So what if heavens favour him...

Heavens doesn't have eyes to choose people! And even now why am I being labelled as villain? When he destroys clans and people it is justice and admired so am I the villain for just defending my honour as representative of whole Empire

From the birth all I did was for the sake of my people and Empire, why does no one notice it!? In this strength crazed world, everyone just recognised strength, my efforts over the citizens are all wasted now and now we are getting repaid with...'

"Done running around Second Prince?"

"Kekekekeke now it's time for last blood of Shan to disappear too..."

"Hahahaha! Let's bring him to Lord Zhao Fan! He must be happy to see this guy!"

"Yeah! What's the use of family or Empire? Lord Zhao Fan is above everything!!!"

The second prince was already half dead and now he noticed various assassins surrounding him with eyes shining red under moon light looking at him as if he was a powerless corpse already

The Second Prince gritted his teeth and grabbed his sword and looked at them again with deep rage and unlimited hatred but just the next moment including him and other assassins everyone suddenly noticed another immensely powerful presence besides them in wild

The assassins gathered there immediately turned back and noticed a creepy old man standing there under a robe

*Blood Spear Rain!!!*

But before the assassins can make any move their heads got blown off by that mysterious evil technique of that creepy old man, he started going forward towards the second prince and said with a grin

"Kekekekeke... So the prince has fallen huh..."

"Cough! Fuck! Now who are you?! What do you want!?!"

The second prince immediately shouted and asked that evil old man, but as he asked the old man's eyes and grin turned darker and he asked

"Do you want revenge with that Zhao Fan?"

'How does he know!?!'

The second prince was quite surprised by the words of that old man but after a few seconds of thinking he managed to come up with some reasoning

'Fuck! I'm already at my lowest! I can't fall lower! So let's just go along with this old man!!!'

"Yes! If I can kill that Zhao Fan, I will do anything!!!"

His voice was desperate and on other hand the smirk over the face of old man was even darker and he slowly started approaching towards the second prince while giving off omnious presence

"Kekekekeke... So determined... I like it... I shall help you get revenge but in return give me you-!?! Kkaaaaaghhhh!!!!"

"What are you doing!? Hey!?!"

The creepy old man had just grabbed the forehead of the second prince and started pushing his evil spiritual energy forcefully inside his mind, even the second prince was surprised over this

But before he could continue anymore suddenly a floating sword rushed towards him at lightning speed and sliced right through his both hands that were moving towards second prince

The intent and aura of that sword alone tossed that creepy evil cultivator dozens of meters away from the second prince in the woods and next the attention of both second prince and that evil cultivator moved towards the skies

A man with charm no less than an immortal with shining purple eyes and one more sword floating behind him was slowly seen coming down from the skies

"Who dares!!! Ah-!?"

"What do you think you are doing with my future disciple you sore loser..."

These cold words of Mu Chen filled with massive spiritual pressure and killing intent sent shivers directly to the very soul of that evil old cultivator and directly in that very instant he started to lose his mind

It felt like an uncountable number of swords had already pierced his very soul and his deep instincts notified him of just how many his body will be getting divided if he moved even a single inch

"N..no... What kind of monster are you!!! What did I do!? Why!?!"

Mu Chen heard those screams of that evil cultivator and with a grin and suddenly appeared right in front of his body with his hand passing right through his chest

"You should have thought that before touching my future disciple with your filthy hands..."

Mu Chen said those words coldly while staring right inside the very soul of that old evil bastard and next moment he forcefully pulled out the very heart of that old man outside of his body and crushing it inside his palm


The eyes of that old evil was filled with endless regret and deep terror and every cell of his body was twitching as Mu Chen stared right into his eyes with devil like gaze

Along with the heart that old man's body also exploded into smithereens while Mu Chen smoothly avoided all the blood and flesh from falling over his body with a simple spiritual shield

"Then with this, I have saved the disciple from getting his body overtaken by this mob and turning into useless cannon folder..."



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
