Shameful Rebellion (1)

Almost 500 years, the calm 9 Jade Holyland finally experienced the change Mu Chen had expected

Inside the Dark Cloud Cave, situated at an isolated land between two dark cliffs of 9 Jade Holyland, for the first time in decades an unnatural movement finally occurred as a huge and extremely pure break through pillar rose from the cave creating a blinding effect

"Hahahaha!!! I finally broke throughout to the first stage of the Martial Transcendent Realm!!! Damn you Mu Chen! Shan Yu! You have really offended the wrong person in your lives!

Did you think of me as a mere insect or mob who will just stay silent even after all your mockings and these offensive actions! You dare trap me here for years!

But who would have thought this place is filled with extremely suitable treasures for my cultivation method hahaha!!! Heavens have helped me and now I will help heaven slaughter you bastards!!!"

Zhao Fan was seen standing with blood red eyes excited for revenge and a face uglier than a skinny dog in the streets

But at same time the aura which he was showing surpassed almost everyone of the same cultivation realm as him, the whole cave was continuously trembling at his mere presence

Zhao Fan arrived in front of extremely thick metal gates closing the cave and destroyed them with his single kick and as he did that his strong blood thirsty aura spread throughout the Holyland

"My~ is it time already?"

Mu Chen slowly opened his eyes in amusement and looked towards the skies filled with dark clouds and thunders as if some dragon was growling

"Who is this daring to act like this!?"

"Does he not fear death!?!"

"Is that Zhao Fan!! Wasn't he imprisoned for 1000 years!?"

"Holy shit! He is Martial Transcendent already!?!"

All disciples and elders came out and as everyone looked upwards they noticed Zhao Fan standing high in the sky with a sword in his hands as Xu Fei and Yun Jian were standing behind him

Xu Fei still looked good as ever, her cultivation has also increased to stage 4 Martial Emperor Realm and Yun Jian was also stage one Martial Emperor but his body seemed skinny and filled with scars somehow

"Mu Chen!!! You have made my Xu Fei suffer so much all these years! You dare hurt even my friend like this! Today! I'm here to take revenge for all the sins you have committed in the dark and expose it to the world!!!"

Zhao Fan started shouting and dark clouds behind him roared even more loudly, as he shouted the cold wind blew all over the place and almost all ordinary disciples and elders were trembling with fear over their places

But just then a dark space portal opened up just a few meters away from in mid air and Mu Chen along with Shan Yu with mask were seen coming out of there and as Zhao Fan pressed all his blood thirst and pressure towards them Mu Chen just smirked coldly

"Seems like a dog really needs a beating to learn things in reality huh..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
