Shameful Rebellion (2)

"Seems like a dog really needs a beating to learn things in reality huh..."

Mu Chen commented as soon as he came out of the space portal along with Shan Yu with mask Mu Chen just smirked coldly seeing Zhao Fan's killing intent

"Who are you calling the dog!? You self righteous bastard!?"

Zhao Fan immediately roared in rage, Mu Chen just scoffed and looked at Xu Fei and Yun Jian behind him and commented

"You ungrateful traitors, do you really have no shame, even after all the Holyland has done for you, you dare take part in his arrogant acts"

As Mu Chen said that nobody dared to reply but of course Zhao Fan was that tail of dog that can't be straightened even if reinforced with iron for decades

"Heh! How dare you act like this in front of us!? Don't act as if I don't know! You have purposefully used your people to bully Yun Jian in absence and even Xu Fei suffered all the bullying because of you?!"

Mu Chen tilted his head with a cold smirk and while completely ignoring Zhao Fan he warned the other two

"Well you can be grateful to me that they are still alive, if I hadn't taken command these two might have been killed years ago! Xu Fei and Yun Jian I will once again give you a chance today! One of you is a disciple of Sister Yuan Mei and the other one was under my protection! Return to this side and you will be spared"

Xu Fei and Yun Jian gritted their teeth almost like fanatics asking for death and replied

"We won't return!"

"We fight side by side with brother Zhao Fan till the day we die!!!"

Both shouted back with absolute confidence, Zhao Fan took a glance over them and once again with ugly smirk looked at Mu Chen in a mocking tone

"What now Mu Chen!? Are you scared!? Do you not dare to fight that you even try to take my people in front of me! Hahaha! Glad you know your place!!!"

Zhao Fan started laughing like some maniac in mid air, Mu Chen just watched him and he noticed few Core Disciples, Peak Masters and even Sect Leader himself present over the place ready to take action

Mu Chen turned his face towards them and noticed everyone grabbing their weapons ready for attack but at that moment he immediately stopped them all with gesture

'These people if they fought with Heaven's Son then they will surely die one way or another, I don't need to sacrifice useless lives...'

Mu Chen turned his face back to Zhao Fan once again and with snigger he replied

"I think I know my place but it seems like you don't... A dog's place is below the leg of its owner so why are you barking like bitch in front of me you damned loser~?"

Hearing a simple mock Zhao Fan's face turned red in rage and his cold heavy aura spread throughout the Holyland and at same time loud thunders started to sound everywhere and he roared

"Mu Chen! Don't test my patience today!?!"

*Spiritual Skill _ Dragon Calling!*

As Zhao Fan shouted with the signal of his hand a huge thunder shaped like dragon rushed towards Mu Chen from the Dark Clouds

Mu Chen grinned as he saw that in slow motion with golden pupils glowing coldly and next moment Shan Yu appeared in front of Mu Chen and along with that the thunder dragon rushing towards them also suddenly vanished in mid air

Zhao Fan was left in absolute shock but next moment his gaze met Shan Yu's cold eyes sparking with red lightings and an enormous dark blue scaled flood dragon that was easily 500 meters long covering the skies behind Shan Yu which had almost reached purest form of his Dragon Bloodline

"Zhao Fan... It seems like you have broken my patience today, don't expect death to be easy today..."

Goosebumps ran through the nerves of Zhao Fan with various factors slapping him over his face coldly

'He-he destroyed my Spiritual Skill I have been secretly cultivating for 500 years just like that!?!'


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
